Thursday 12 March 2015

Jimmy Savile and the BBC

Jimmy Savile, The BBC and the crisis of the Family

It may be difficult for some to accept but there is a stronger link between the above three elements than they would like to believe. Jimmy Savile represents the decadent pervert celebrities that came to dominate our culture from the late Fifties onwards. The BBC represents a socially engaged media platform that gave these pervert celebrities access to subvert every family in the country, and the crisis of the Family is the end result of fifty years of the Satanic media’s attacks on the teachings of Christ and His Church.

As BBC ‘celebrity’ and child sex-abuse cases mount up -  Rolf Harris, Gary Glitter, Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall and many many more, - there are claims that a paedophile ring operated at the BBC for over 40 years. But there are hints that an even higher profile paedophile operated at the BBC than Jimmy Savile. Who is he? Who is the “Uncle Dick” of the BBC referred to by John Simpson in his book Strange Places, Questionable People. The BBC Uncle sexually assaulted many children at the BBC.

There was/is a culture of tolerated sexual harassment at the BBC. DJ Liz Kershaw, herself a victim of harassment, claimed she had been routinely groped while working. She said that the station was very intimidating for young women.

With such an organization as the BBC being hailed as the great moral force in the country for many decades, is it any surprise that there is such a crisis in the family today? Where over half of marriages end in divorce, where step father and brothers molest other family members. There is an epidemic of paedophilia in Britain today with over 60 new cases of child abuse reported in British society every day.

However, why is the BBC being so sloppy shouldered about its own involvement in child sex abuse – could it be the coming renewal of the Royal Charter in 2016 and calls to have the fee extended to those who watch ‘on demand’? Director-general Lord Hall claims that a strong BBC would bind the country together at home and be a beacon to the world. In a report published last week, the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee said the TV license is "becoming harder... to justify" and suggested every household should pay a new compulsory levy instead. This means everybody no matter if you watch TV or not should pay for the BBC!


  1. Two questions: 1) If the fee were compulsory then why shouldn't it be shared among a number of broadcasters?

    2) How do other broadcasters afford to produce high quality programming without receiving any money from the TV licence?

    It is adding insult to injury to require people morally opposed to the work of the BBC to fund it.

    1. The BBC is in fact very inefficient – as with all left-liberal intuitions. They may not have a captive audience by they do have captive funding and it looks like this is going to get even more compulsory as more people turn away from them.

      Prayer Crusader with St Philomena

  2. Anonymous, The BBC are very good at adding insult to injury. It's what they do best. The other broadcasters pay with advertising. That's "why the BBC is so unique". It means they can do what they like and we have to pay if we want TV, even if we never, ever watch their benighted programmes. I got rid of mine a few years ago. Haven't missed it one little bit.

  3. So theres still a high profile paedophile in he BBC! Gosh I'm so surprised! (Not). According to the BBC there are only really any paedophiles in the Catholic Church. They are dishonest and hypocritical to a breathtaking degree. And why, oh why is no one investigating the wilful lack of action on the part of the police? This whole scandal should have brought the BBC down. Instead the government want US to fund them whether we watch it or not. I was told by a licence fee employee that even if I watched a foreign programme on my computer I should still pay these hypocrits for the privilege. Outrageous!

    1. Chloe yes your thoughts are the same as most decent people – why should we who have rejected the evil of the BBC fund this channel that infested with perverts.

      Prayer Crusader with St Philomena
