Friday 18 October 2024

Diversity and the Assisted Suicide Bill


The Main Stream Media and Diversity

The mainstream media supports diversity; we have black actresses in leading roles in remakes of Jane Austin period dramas, the Alphabet people are well represented in major soaps on TV, and Islam is, of course, also well represented and treated with respect, of course. However, devout faithful Christians, and especially Catholics, are not. If they are included in a modern production, it is only to show them as nasty bigots. The MSM will never report on the targeting of faithful Christians by groups like Stonewall, who, according to the interim report of the Commission of Inquiry into Discrimination Against Christians. It is ironic that the very religion (Islam) that is likely to attack Stonewall and all it stands for and left alone, does this not strike you as cowardly?  Here is a link to the Catholic Herald article Stonewall and LGBT activists coordinating harassment of UK Christians, report claims - Catholic Herald


Assisted Suicide Bill

Catholic virtually standing alone

There is a very dangerous bill being considered in both Ireland and the UK and virtually the same time. This could affect every living soul in the British Isles; like abortion, this must be opposed with all our might. Click here for another Catholic Herald Article Archbishop reminds Catholics that Ireland considering assisted suicide bill at same time as UK - Catholic Herald

Friday 11 October 2024

Woke Mind Virus No. 2



The Hollywood Ending

There is a new big-budget film with an "A" list cast that will soon be released, but is it just another big-budget bash at the Catholic Church from the mainstream media? So what is the film all about? Well, it seems to me that this is Hollywood's attempt to influence the choosing of the next pope. For, of course, all the teachings, morality, and theology of the Catholic Church are intrinsically evil! Here is the film's blurb from IMDb:


When Cardinal Lawrence is tasked with leading one of the world's most secretive and ancient events, selecting a new Pope, he finds himself at the center of a conspiracy that could shake the very foundation of the Catholic Church.


The pope is dead. Behind the locked doors of the Sistine Chapel, 118 Cardinals from all over the globe will cast their votes in the world's most secretive election. They are holy men. But they have ambition. And they have rivals. Over the next 72 hours, one of them will become the most powerful spiritual figure in the world.

High end production values

 The film is being tipped as an Oscar winner, and Ralph Fiennes as best actor. Critics are raving over it, with reviewers gushing that this film is so entertaining, so slick, and it's fantastic because it differentiates between "religion" and "faith". Modern reviews know all about faith and especially the Catholic faith, of course, it is a self-perpetuating conversation; the Church must change! And if Hollywood, that bastion of good taste and culture, can push the Church to a more loving, liberated, and progressive institution, more in tune with the modern world, it will do it. And Conclave, the latest secular incursion into the realms of the Church, is their latest attempt.


A stellar cast

No apology spoilers:

The film revolves around Fr Lawrence the Camerlengo (the Cardinal Chamberlain who runs the Conclave). Described as a thriller, the film consists mainly of a number of conversations and the jostling for power of the various cardinals. The writing is powerful. The cinematography and sets are fantastic, the production values are of the highest quality. This, by all accounts, is a gripping entertaining thriller. However, once again, we have the dichotomy that everything that is well made, well put together, and fantastic fun-filled entertainment is actually good; it's certainly not good for Christianity and therefore it is, in fact, evil. Will the sheer brilliance of this film do the damage to what's left of the traditional Catholic Church that the filmmakers hope and make them a load of money on the way?

            The battle is between a Traditionalist Latin Mass-saying Cardinal who is depicted as a nasty fundamentalist and the kinder liberal-minded Cardinals, who listen to nuns even, Sr Agnes, played by Isabella Rossellini, is given some "great" lines to undermine traditional male roles. However, the film appears to end with the liberals well on top with the election of a last-minute Cardinal creation by the last pope before he died, who is in fact, a biological woman. Traditional Catholic morals are then thrown out the window as the Church presses forward into a new liberated progressive wonderland.

Friday 13 September 2024

Woke mind virus No 1

 Diversity and Film Funding

The Woke Mind Virus at Christmas

It is hard to make "straight films" these days, as modern Western Culture forbids it. Getting the funding, the cast, the crew, and the locations is all very difficult. You need to tick all the diversity boxes, even when making films or TV series based on traditional and classic novels such as those by Jane Austin. Your script must have characters that are homosexual, Trans, black, Asian, or other religions than Christianity, or funders at Netflix, Hollywood, Amazon, the BBC, Channel Four films, etc. will not look at it. It's as if the West's cultural leaders hate the past, its own culture, and are determined to destroy it. For instance, where is the film that tells the truth about the Crusades? A film that shows how the Crusades saved Christendom as well as being combined with heroic Crusaders and a plot that does not end up bowing to the Saracen. It doesn't exist; a combination of Muslim, Jewish, Protestant, and aesthetic sentiments will not allow it.

Diversity rules in modern film and TV production; I am always watching films; they are part of my life and work as well as "entertainment." I recently watched a film called Last Christmas. It was cleverly constructed to tick all the diversity boxes without doing too much to put its majority "straight" audience off. It was a romantic comedy between a man and a woman called Kate. So far, so good. However, everything that surrounds the main plot is diverse: immigrant parents, a successful lesbian lawyer sister, Kate working at an all-year-round Christmas shop as an elf shop assistant, the Chinese owner, and her boss, who is called Santa. It's careful not to touch on the true meaning of Christmas at all; it would not be diverse to do so. Christmas is, of course, the most significant religious festival on earth. Some Christmas Rom-com films try and get the diversity thing over quickly; films like Noel Diary where they start with the protagonist author signing books and a "Gay" couple come up to have a book signed in a short "funny" sequence, then it's all over the film can get down to what it's there for, to entertain those who like romantic comedies.

                This diversity in films and film production has been creeping in over the years. This thought brings to mind a film called The Holiday (2006) with Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, and Jack Black; this is a thoroughly entertaining film and in a different league from Last Christmas; however, it completely misses the true meaning of Christmas, and if there is a religious element to it, it's not Christian but Jewish, as we have Kate Winslet and some Hollywood movie people sit down to a Hanukkah meal complete with menorah, the Jewish candle stick for nine candles. Hollywood has let Christianity down big time over the years, of course, probably because so many Hollywood filmmakers are Jewish.

By Prayer Crusader St Philomena

Saturday 17 August 2024

Two Tier Media


The Western Media, the riots, and Christendom

Southport Riots

The rioting a couple of weeks ago was sickening; this is not the British way of doing things. We are still, at our core, a Christian country, I wonder do the rioters even know that they are wearing the cross of St George. However, could our Christian values be the very thing that people of a non-Christian background and culture take advantage of? We need to accept this, but we must understand what's happening. Perhaps? But we always need to proclaim the truth, for Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the light,' the Church also teaches there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church unless through the invincible ignorance of a person leading a good life outside the Catholic Church. Even Vatican II states this in the decree on the Church's Missionary activity, Ad Gentes Divinitue. The Catholic Church built Western Civilisation, often referred to as Christendom, although Christendom includes Western countries that became Protestant. However, Protestant countries were formed on the structures, laws, and foundations they had taken over from the Catholic Church.

            It is not racist to say it is basically from Europeans that all the great advances in Civilisation took place; not because we are a better people but because we are/were Christians! For Jesus Himself said, seek God and His justice and all these other things will be given you. Fr Thomas Crean O.P., in an interview given for our Christendom docudrama, stated that it was the Mass, in fact, the Latin Mass, that is at the heart of Western Civilisation, and Dr. Joseph Shaw, in an interview for our The "Reformation" series, stated that the Latin Mass is Western Civilisation's greatest artifact. Therefore, these two modern Catholic scholars are saying that it is from the Latin Mass that Western Civilisation sprung.

            However, the Western mainstream media will not even acknowledge that the Catholic Church had anything to do with the ascent of civilisation these days, even if Sir Kenneth Clark, the Scots/English art historian, and broadcaster virtually states this in his groundbreaking documentary Civilisation. Clark would convert to Catholicism before he died. The mainstream media do not ask the question, why do all these refugees from mainly Muslim countries want to come to the countries of the former Christendom? Could it be that, ultimately, Islam is a failed religion? Some will say (including Muslims themselves) that how can Islam be failing if they are growing at such a phenomenal rate, particularly in Western countries.  Well, the countries that they fled to because of a better standard of living and a more orderly civilization were based on Christianity. They leave behind countries in chaos, which seems indicative of the religion that governs those countries, Islam, which has failed.

            So I return to the main question of this post, why are Christians, or rather former Christians, wearing the flag of St George and rioting rather than trying to convert the new arrivals to the true religion of peace, Christianity? And why are Muslims who flee the chaos of Muslim countries not converting to the religion of their host country Christianity, from which all this prosperity and peace emanates? Could it be that the mainstream media are letting us down by not giving Christianity a fair hearing, and one further question do we have a two-tier media?

Friday 16 August 2024

Huw Edward the BBC and Abuse


Yet Another BBC Sex Abuse Scandal

Is there something in the water at the BBC? They seem to be hit with scandal after scandal. This time its Huw Edwards who has been accused of paying a teenager for sexually explicit photos.  Edwards, a household name and the BBC's top journalist, earns a six-figure salary and it's been confirmed as a whopping £435,000 per year.  It would take the average person almost half their working life to earn that much.

                There appears to be a toxic culture at the BBC not only are its 'core values' that are in complete contrast to that of Christianity, the BBC also seems to be a breeding ground for paedophiles. The problem is that the core values of the employees of the Corporation being pro-abortion, pro-everything "Gay" pro-euthanasia, pro-any religion but Christianity (or so it seems). Therefore , could it be these toxic "values" that lead to the paedophiles rings found at the Corporation? There have just been too many scandals to say oh just what happens in modern society everywhere, therefore could it be that the BBC is leading society by the noise into this modern societal spiral of abuse and decadence?

                When I was making the docudrama for EWTN called Wales the Golden thread of Faith, Huw Edwards was making a programme on the history of Wales called The Story of Wales. I remember thinking he has not mentioned the Catholic Church at all. He gave credit to the Cistercians for bringing culture and cultivation to many parts of Wales but I could not remember him actually mentioning Catholicism at all. I thought at the time what's he afraid of? Or perhaps he had just become part of the culture of the BBC with all its bias and almost Soviet style agitprop?


Friday 26 July 2024

Half a Million households have cancelled their BBC license fee


The Big BBC Switch-Off

Half a Million households have cancelled their BBC license fee in the UK in the last Year. Unsurprisingly, over half the population never watch a BBC programme in a week, so many people are paying for a service they never watch; Is this fair or even logical? The BBC is facing growing competition from a vast number of broadcast channels and, more specifically, from online "On Demand" streaming channels like Netflix and Amazon Prime, etc. It is undoubtedly time now that the licence fee is dropped, and their Royal Charter revoked so that no longer will innocent people be intimidated by licence fee enforcers. At CUT, we all know the history of BBC's social engineering exploits, a series of specific programmes designed to brainwash the populous with their agitprop that was enough to brainwash this once Christian land, this together with the core values of BBC employees such as being pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-everything "Gay," Trans, and immigration, etc. They have done much damage to modern society. Because of their "respected" position in the world, they have managed to export a form of latently anti-Christian sentiment that have almost destroyed Western Culture.


Power without responsibility

Some may argue that Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney + and Hollywood in general are no better and they would be right. However, the BBC have deliberately used their multi layered media presence to hammer home the modern secular message. The BBC are present in all media categories - News, Sport, Politics Current affairs, film production, drama series, comedy, children's programmes, on-line, iplayer, World Service, numerous national and local radio stations. Their power is enormous and it's crucial that they are held accountable for their use of these media platforms to push an agenda. It would be a great blessing to Western Civilisation if the licence fee was abolished and the BBC broken up.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Left liberal media insiting violence?


Is the Legacy Media creating an atmosphere of hatred across the Western World?

Over the past few years, the mainstream media seems to have become even more biased and left-wing, so much so that traditional Christian family values are portrayed as being "far right," "Extreme right," or hard Right or "Alt-right" when in fact they are just the values of our parents, and how western society worked and was built. Le Pen in France, Donal Trump in the USA, and Nigel Farage in the UK are not Nazis, but that's the implication; are they really just old-style Conservatives.

 However, legacy media never waste an opportunity to label anyone slightly "right" of the Liberal party as neo-Nazis. Take, for example, the coverage of the last election, with the actor who was conveniently filmed for Channel Four "canvassing" for Reform, saying that immigrants should be shot on the beaches or the BBC loading question time with left-leaning TV producers and directors to give the impression that the ordinary people of Britain are opposed to the "far right" of Farage and his party. The rhetoric in the Guardian, Channel Four, and the BBC was so biased against anything that could be construed as "Right" or Traditional family Christian values. Therefore, many who genially campaign for this have become the target of hate-filled, left-leaning propagandists of the Legacy media.

 This" left/liberal" media bias is not just the preserve of the UK, but there it is a pandemic of leftish mediated actual hate speech that can be found across the Western World. The USA is so infected with this ultra-left bias that media pundits actually can say on live TV that Trump should be taken out (Dan Goldman on MSNBC) and get away with it, or even famous politicians like Nancy Pelosi can say on TV that Trump is a threat to democracy. It is no surprise then that there was an assassination attempt on Trump. It has even been suggested the shooter was allowed by the Secret Service to take up position on a roof right behind the ex-president, and despite many in the crowd for several minutes pointing the assassin out to the police and Secret Service, however, they ignored him. Until the shots rang out, one shot grazing Trump's ear, killing one person in the audience and leaving two others critically wounded. Is the Secret Service also adversely influenced by the media?

 My point is that not only were TV pundits on the mainstream media and leftish politicians using the media to create such an atmosphere of hatred towards anyone who even slightly try to preserve traditional Christian conservative values that they become demonised and equated to Hitler. It is, therefore, not surprising that an assignation attempt has been made on Trump. The saddest thing of all, of course, is that two people are dead, the innocent Trump supporter in the crowd and the shooter, who at 20 years of age has had in brain scrambled by the media.