Monday, 1 February 2016

MSM ignore Family Day and March for Life

Once again Secular Media ignore the March for Life

And Family Day
Franciscan support for the Traditional Family
During last week there were massive rallies all over the United States against abortion. The annual March for Life drew bigger crowds than ever. Numbers were swelled by people who were so shocked by the recent scandalous discovery that Planned Parenthood has been selling aborted baby parts, and even whole babes, that more people than ever felt they must do something. 

It's not just the BBC that loves the IPPF

However, the Main Stream Media has almost completely ignored it, and when they do cover it they distort their coverage.  The Washington D.C. crowd was numbered by some as being up to 200,000. This was not covered by the main American TV channels ABC NBC etc. 

CBS gives a whopping 15 seconds airtime to the March for Life

Only CBS bothered to broadcast anything - for 15 seconds only! The Washington Post did cover it, on-line but not in print. They showed a clash with pro-abortionists who were, of course, depicted as victims whereas the pro-Life marchers were shown as nasty pointy snarlies. There is more chance of a snowball surviving hell than the BBC reporting on anything positive for pro-life. The BBC's partnership with the IPPF is 100% solid. Only faithful old EWTN gave the March of Life the extensive live coverage it deserves!

BBC did report that a majority of Anglicans are in favour of "Gay" marriage!

There is one thing the BBC did report on though: a recent survey of Anglicans which showed that there is now a majority of C of E pews in favour of same-sex marriage. Of course, if they get their moral lead from the BBC, what can we expect?

But BBC did not notice the 2,000,000 Italians marching for the Traditional Family.

However, judging by all the hate speech on social media, the homosexual lobby did! Italy the last is the last country in the Western world who do not recognise same-sex unions of any kind. How much pressure can it stand from the rest of the "Gay-marriage" supporting countries? Can Italy reverse the trend and not give in to the demands of perverts?
Huge defiant crowds for the traditional family

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