Sunday, 21 February 2016

The IRA the BBC and Terrorism

To many Catholics and other Christians exasperated by the pandering to extremists by the BBC (who today seem to be favouring all things Muslim) It will come as no surprise that they have always taken the extremist side. Here is a little observation on the IRA and the BBC, by our member under the patronage of St Jane Frances de Chantal. - Sorry about the horrible logos - all three of them.

Terrorism and the BBC

At the height of the Troubles in Ireland, the BBC aired two dramas which were blatant and explicit propaganda for terrorism. In both of them, those who crossed the IRA were in the end gleefully eliminated - in one case by shooting (but that didn't matter, because the victim was an ex-public school undercover agent), in the other case by a letter bomb (but that didn't matter either, because the victims were songwriters who had been writing songs for terrorists on both sides) Ed - IRA were nationalists and the UDA were Unionists. For one of the dramas the theme music had been written and performed by a top Irish group. The words were in Gaelic, and the tune topped the U.K. pop music chart.

Am I missing something about an appropriate rule for the national TV channel? Or is our problem in C U T that we actually use our brains?

Written on the feast of Ss Cyril and Methodius, by the Prayer Crusader under the patronage of St Jane Frances de Chantal.


  1. The BBC will always put forward the terrorists view, because it is a terrorist organisation itself, and like all terrorists, cowardly.
