Thursday, 21 January 2016

IPPF scandal ignored by the BBC

The Non Reporting of the IPPF scandal by the BBC

When the scandal broke that members of Planned Parenthood were selling the aborted babies’ bodies, many in the pro-life movement thought: here is something that will expose the whole abortion industry for what it is, callous murder. Something akin to the holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany during the Second World War.  Another parallel between the holocaust and the mass abortion industry of today is the dismembering of victims for other uses.

The recent scandal surrounds the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, which drew attention to the PPFA’s profit-oriented practice of selling the body parts of aborted babies.  However, this has become a non scandal because the secular press are in the main ignoring it. The BBC, who will search the globe for a sniff of victimhood regarding homosexuals, Muslims or gender issues, will not report it.

The non issue once again became ‘visible’ when the female presidential candidates were being discussed on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour.  When the issue of abortion, PP, and Hilary Clinton was brought up by a guest who tried to talk about the IPPF videos, she was quickly closed down; the shutting down of her on-air was so marked that many who heard it were shocked.

The Christian Democratic Party general secretary and treasurer Paul Kennedy, is trying to bring questions of fairness and bias to the attention of the BBC’s Director of Editorial Policy and Standards. You may wish to do the same. Write to BBC, BC2 A1, Broadcast Centre, 201 Wood Lane, London, W12 7TP.

However, even the BBC cannot shut the social media up, see below link to a shocking You Tube video "Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts"

Note on the Christian Democratic Party. CUT does not endorse any political party. We ask our members to monitor their local candidates and MPs on whether or not their views and voting records are compatible with Christian values.

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