Saturday, 2 January 2016

Anit-Islamic State group brings down BBC

Anti-Islamic State group Brings down BBC website!

On New Year's Eve the BBC's website crashed and was offline for several hours. At the time many believed that the BBC were just having technical problems, however it has now emerged that an anti-Islamic State group deliberately targeted the BBC site and brought it down in what is known as a cyber attack.

The group known as New World Hacking said it carried out the attack to "test of its capabilities". However, it already knows its capabilities having waged a campaign against other nasty organisations, including the Ku Klux Klan.

So what was the real reason that an anti-Islamic State group targeted the BBC? Could it be that people around the world are beginning to wake up to the fact of just how destructive the BBC actually is? Perhaps these anti-Islamic State hackers realise just how cowardly the BBC have been in its reporting of Islamic terror. Lets face it for the most part they have ignored the plight of the Christians living in the middle East, to many who complain about BBC bias it has seemed that the BBC  concentrate their reporting on the Yazidis, Kurds,  and other Muslims groups. It's clear that these groups have suffered, but Christians are being targeted and killed in their thousands, some communities have been wiped out. Middle East Christians are even afraid to go into refugee camps as they are even being killed there. Yet the BBC are failing to report this.

So perhaps the bringing down of the BBC's website by an anti-Islamic State group is poetic justice?

How BBC new are reporting on this

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