Monday, 29 September 2014

On the Feast of St Michael the Archangel

The 16th Crusade of Prayer
Please pray for the Bishops who will take part in the Extraordinary Synod for the family
There are many wild media reports that this will change the Church’s teaching on many areas of Catholic moral theology – this of course is not possible.

However, please pray that the influence of the Media and the secular Zeitgeist will not prevail at this synod please pray the Prayer Crusader prayer and a Rosary every day from today the Feast of St Michael the Archangel until it close on the 14th of October.

Remember our last post on  The Rosary and perhaps reread the wise words of the wise hermit/priest under the patronage of St John Roberts.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

An Aide Memoire of Spiritual Combat

The Holy Rosary
(best left in the past, where it belongs?)

A lecture on the true nature of the Rosary: "The Holy Rosary"  - May 1st 2014
               One day, possibly in this very month of May, in the year 1915 the following incident happened in the trenches. The commanding officer of the neighbouring village one day saw one of the soldiers saying the Rosary in his trench. "Do you say it because you are afraid?" he asked. "No, mon Colonel," replied the soldier, "but because it helps me." "That's right," said the colonel; let's say it together." And with this he took out his beads and began to say them with the soldier. The example was infectious; one after another the men did the same, and soon the whole trench was saying the Rosary together.

               Another time, in the same year the Abbé Jarraud, who was in the Nancy region, made this report. He had seen at the Presbytery of Varangéville, and indeed venerated, a Rosary made of string, which had been made in the trenches by a young soldier. The knots were nicely spaced, representing exactly the Pater and Ave beads. The instrument was nearly worn out, having seen much active service every day of the defence of the Grand Couronné. "All the men of the section passed it on from one to another to say a Hail Mary," had explained very simply the good soldier, who had come to the Curé to ask in exchange for it a strong Rosary to use on the "Northern frontier".

               In the trenches every moment was a battle against a visible foe, but for that very reason the soldiers could not but be aware of the invisible battle in which each soul in the trench was engaged, in his shared solitude before the encounter with the forces unleashed forever by one lethal flying object. Before Eternity seconds counted.

               Before Eternity seconds always count, and the primeval foe of the soul knows it only too well. Hence it is that we observe his enthusiasm regarding all that sucks up very large quantities of them.

               During the exorcism of Anneliese Michel in Germany in 1975, many surprising truths came to the surface. Under obedience to Christ the High Priest, the demons and even the human demons present were obliged to make certain admissions. One such was their influence in the current trends. Thus we find Judas making remarks of this nature: "Nuns in monasteries are in front of the television  and are not praying enough, and they do not kneel, and they stick out their paws... The Rosary – they (the parish priests) do not regard it as modern... If only that one up there (sc. the Blessed Virgin) did not exist... The month of the Rosary does exist, but very few recite it, because the great parish priests do not look on it as modern. How imbecile they are!"

               In various exorcisms the utter hatred and dread of the Underworld with regard to the Holy Rosary is a constant. Even the use of a blessed Rosary during exorcism causes huge commotion. Understandable therefore is the keenness of that realm to insure that the Image of the Beast be duly enthroned in the hearth of every Christian home, and be ever heard, especially at the moments previously most noisome to it, that of the family Rosary. A great ally in its service is also the emitter of noise in the average vehicle. Hell is full of noise, and Earth must be brought to resemble it as closely as possible. It has the excellent side effect of excluding shared or even individual Rosaries during long or short journeys.

               Since we have hit on the monastic world, it is interesting to note the way in which noise has progressively replaced the silence of the hours of manual work, simply by the transformation of the same into an extension of Recreation. Traditionally, the option of manual work was deliberate because of the unbroken heritage of Desert Spirituality which saw the peacefulness of simple work as an extension of the prayer of the Liturgy, and hence had arisen the practice of the Prayer of the Heart, which maintained the soul in prayer mode between liturgical moments. To this day one can observe this at work in the East. Any You Tube of Mount Athos, closely watched, will disclose one simple truth: all the monks when working – be it in the olive trees or in the icon studio – have their lips unceasingly moving. They are praying the Jesus Prayer.

               Very early on in Trappist formation in France I found that the well observed Rule of Perpetual Silence became a natural invitation to recite mentally, while working, the Rosary or some other easy prayer. Even though it might not be possible to count the exact number of prayers, by going over the minimum one was sure of having them covered. And one could be sure that souls "out there" were being helped by this consecration of time. Who, I wonder, gains from the insistence that during working hours we are in fraternity...?

               The Church, being a good mother, and knowing the immense value of genuine fraternity, bonded by Our Lady, has desired to attract her children to collective moments with her. In this optic we find that we have at our disposal many fringe benefits. A plenary indulgence is attached to the recitation of the Holy Rosary in the family or in a religious community, or even in a pious association, or when it is recited in a church or oratory. A partial one is available in other modes of recitation.

               The enemy forces are fully aware of the power of this instrument. On October 10th 1975, Judas came out with the following admission during the exorcism of Anneliese: "If only they (the priests) had an idea of it! It is a powerful weapon against Satan and against us. I am obliged, alas, to admit it, but many do not believe it."  

               Hence it is that the foe in question is fairly keen on making sure that should it ever be brought into the battlefield, it should be as quickly as possible be rendered innocuous. His great means is the Divide and Conquer Tactic. This has been used with amazing success on the Western Front, for the Emerald Isle has a good track record of docility to his indications. It consists in the following strategy. Insure that as many Rosaries are said as there are pious souls present. Simply make sure that they never say the lethal formulae at the same time. Then make sure that the essence of the exercise is kept always in the forefront: reaching the finishing line. For this to happen, the greatest and most precious ally is the Fastest Draw in the West, thankfully nearly always present. Make sure that that person comes in before the first half of each prayer is finished, thus neutralizing completely the dangerous effect of the Name most hated. Make maximum use, just as at Mass, of the fact that these specialists at velocity are fully gratified by being heard loudly and clearly by their admirers, in such a way that they have the attention thus perfectly deflected from the Person or Persons addressed. Thus we have the very means of assuring that the worst possible calamity will not follow – that any young person will have any attraction for a place on Brands Hatch.

                It seems that St. John Paul was aware of the power of this weapon. He would invite the youth of Rome to use it with him at the Sala Nervi of a Saturday night. He also taught the Church how to exploit the arsenal at its disposal. I have seen electrified celebrations of the Rosary in the Charismatic Renewal in France. I have also had much consolation in gently shared and partly sung Rosaries celebrated in a car or an oratory. A meditation or a Scripture reading or quotation inserted here and there makes a huge difference. And on pilgrimage, by coach or by car, how precious has the meditated and sung Rosary been over the years in upbuilding in faith and even knowledge. People listen between the decades. Some years ago here in Ireland I would be asked, even before Ordination, to go to whichever house might have the special Fatima statue, for a full meditated Rosary. It would be well attended, and the effect of light and petal goes a long way towards creating a privileged place of encounter – both vertical and horizontal, for nothing in Erin runs without tea.

               At Fatima, only one thing was explicitly requested at each of the six apparitions. It was the daily recitation of Our Lady's Rosary. She did not actually ask for daily Mass. She could have. But it would seem that she preferred to make one simple Mother's plea to all throughout the world, high and low, rich and poor, learned and unlettered, lay and, yes, cleric: "Recite my Rosary every day." If she made such a plea with such insistence, maybe there are reasons for it. And if the one at her heal has been so successful in getting this noisome pestilence out of reach, maybe there are reasons for it. And if we are doing so much for Heaven and drawing down so few of its blessings, maybe, maybe, there are reasons for it.

               The battle is on, my friends, the battle is on. It is not the moment to surrender our most powerful weapon to the enemy.

By a hermit priest under the patronage of St John Roberts

1st May 2014, St. Joseph the Worker

Please pray the Crusader prayer on 29th September the feast of St Michal the Archangel, on of our patrons for the synod on the family which is coming up in October.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Day TV Licensing man arrived

The TV Licensing inspector has finally knocked
on my door

After eleven years of running CUT, not paying the licence fee and campaigning that Catholics throw their TV’s out, a TV Licensing man finally knocked on my door. He didn’t know what he was letting himself in for. Poor man! “Mr Mazzeo TV Licensing” he said “According to our records you do not have a TV licence”. Ah, I said I’ve been waiting for you, do you know that I actually campaign against the TV? especially as the BBC is so anti-Catholic. I said, he is welcome to come in but I warned him that if he did I will record it on video and post it on line on our website. I know a thing or two about conducting interviews, creating a narration and making documentaries, this would be fun – I would give the whole episode a narration. But he stood outside looking slightly white by now. I’d always promised myself that when the TV licensing man did finally turn up I would ask him did he have an entry warrant. If he didn’t I’d tell him to go way and get one then I would video the whole experience. He would probably come back a few days later with the police I would then give a running commentary. However, as the local police sergeant is a friend of mine and we attend the same church, it’s probably just as well I didn’t, it would just be too embarrassing all round; and what about my long suffering wife who has often crept away from me in a store such as Currys when I start to expound to a hapless sales assistant on the dangers of the TV and children. Having the police knocking at the door especially as we’ve only been here for a few months, would mortify her.

I’m an atheist, I’m a Catholic but I’m and atheist – he said!
Back to the TV licence man, all he could come up with at the opening of my anti-Telly tirade was “I’m an atheist, I’m a Catholic but I’m and atheist”. I told him that can’t be both! He said he had been an atheist ever since as a young boy a priest came to his house and said that if he didn’t go to church he’d go to hell. After sympathising with him, but only slightly as his priest was right but there are ways and Ways of doing this and we should never forget the teaching on invincible ignorance. A good and orthodox priest will know how to teach this truth without putting people off. But you never know the full and real reasons why people give up their faith. If the priest came around to my house and said that I would have agreed with every word – but how many priests today are brave enough to teach the simple facts of the faith. Many of their congregations are able to brow-beat them into submission so that many are afraid to teach the essential truths of the Catholic faith. Their congregations have been ‘educated’ by the BBC and other media outlets. Many can reel off like rote as efficiently as most zealous Evangelical a few selective ‘truths’ about the ‘Black Legends’ of Catholic history or the ‘kinder’ more inclusive ideals of the secular zeitgeist.

I can however come up with a few reasons for  not having a TV – the Corporation’s televised litanies from hell that  sexualise the young, their bias in favour militant secularisation to the point of homophilia bran-washing and that is why this nasty box of tricks has been banished from this house. I went through a list of the BBC’s low points and explained why these programme were so bad and how they do not tell the truth about Catholic history. Ah ha he seemed to come to life again, “what about the Crusades?” I met his defiant challenge head on, having just spent the last 18 months working on a documentary on the Crusades, so I was able to defend them as having saved Christendom from Islam. He was surprised that I not only don’t have a TV I am actually a TV producer and scriptwriter. Now completely bewildered he actually refused to come in and turned to go. I gave him a list of Crusader Professors and historians that he could look up and find out what really happened and I said he could always watch EWTN’s documentary we just finished in October. I won’t be seeing it of course I do not have a TV. He said I’ll have a look, he stopped and stared at my car in the drive  – “I like Alfas” he said “I got a Mercedes but I think I’m going to buy an Alfa Romeo next”. I said I’ve had it for 14 years and it been very good I just couldn’t part with her. I see I’ve got a convert perhaps he will also think a little about his faith again as well.

Monday, 8 September 2014

A New Christendom

Is there a bleak outlook for Christianity in the West or will a new Christendom appear?

·        This post is in response to the comment left on the St Catherine of Siena post by our Prayer Crusader St Cecilia.

Prayer Crusader, St Cecilia’s comment was worthy of a post in its own right. The Crusader pointed out a number of desperately sad things that are happening to the West, an area that was once known as Christendom.

One is the almost unstoppable rise of Islam, and another is the infiltration of homosexuality into  almost every area of Western society – even in the Church. It is so desperately sad that the sacrilegious Masses still go on at Farm Street. It not only causes scandal, it is of course extremely injurious to the spiritual well being of all of those who take part. It is of course for the poor damaged souls of the homosexuals themselves we should be most concerned, for their sin is condemned in both the Old and New Testament. The teaching and traditions of the Church are very clear on this: homosexual actions are sinful – these teachings cannot be changed, there is no wriggle room!

The reason of course why homosexuality is so prevalent in today’s society is because homosexuals and their supporters have control of the media. Through sheer blatant militancy on one hand and placing themselves at the top of the hierarchy of victimhood on the other, they have infiltrated and control the media. They have created a new type of ‘ethos’ and have turned natural law and natural morality on its head. It is now impossible to speak out against the nonsense of the homosexual argument without being labelled in the same breath as the Nazis.

I believe it is a crime against humanity that the media led by the BBC have been so encouraging of these perverted and dangerous acts. I also believe that it is an act of charity to point out the danger of homosexual acts; this is a caring act. Of course the BBC will call us bigots or nutters or homophobics.

On Muslims and the TV, I am quite sure that the Muslims are not puritans when it comes to pornography and illicit sexual behaviour, just as secularists are not. After all look what has been happening in Rotherham and Rochdale with groups of Asian men grooming and molesting young girls – these girls became uncontrollable by their parents and would run after these men.  They have been let down by their parents first for not teaching them Christian values; they have been let down by the political leaders; they have been let down by Church leaders for not teaching clearly on Christian values and last but not least they have been let down by the media!

But the grooming was not only done by the Asian men. They are not to blame alone; with a TV in the front room of every house giving out false versions of sexual ethics these children have been spoiled, leaving them at the mercy of anyone who is devious enough to exploit them. The exploiting of young children is not only done by Asian men, as the BBC’s Jimmy Savile case has shown. Homosexuals, pop stars, celebrities, and anyone who wanted, could exploit the devastation left in the wake of the TV and the secular media.

If the parents of these children had enough Christian ethics left in them to understand what is right and good they would have turned off the TV at the first sex scene, and thrown the thing out at the first same sex kiss.  The devastation that has been wreaked on Christianity has left a moral vacuum that could be filled by whatever religion or philosophy that could get its act together the quickest – at the moment the secular militants are on top – but it won’t last, they will show themselves for what they are – Satanic.

A New Christendom

By the 1960’s Christendom was already dead as a geopolitical entity – but Christendom can be re-created in the hearts of every practicing Christian. I am optimistic that a new Christendom will emerge. Through prayer and action, like persuading Catholics to turn away from the secular media, and protect their children from the influence of the militant secularists, Our Lord and Our Lady will prevail.