Dr Woke
Dr Who boldly goes where everyone else has been before
With Jodi
Whittaker’s Dr. Who coming to an end in 2022 after virtually destroying the
ratings, it is clear that most fans do not want Dr. Who to be a female Time
LORD or, should I say, Time LADY. Dr Who is a man, and fans saw through the
indoctrinating Trans message and switched off in their millions.
Then in
after the brief return of David Tennant, fans thought there would be a return
to form. However, he left again, and we had Ncuti Gatwa (a Rwandan-Scottish
actor) and the fifteenth incarnation of the Doctor, with Russell T Davies
as producer and the most woke series of Dr Who of all time, in 2023/4. Davies
has said that as a “Gay” man, he can do no other, “Its just natural to
me there is no other world I inhabit” so he force feed everyone this “Gay” nonsense
. As a consequence the BBC produced the silliest, campest, nonsensical series
of Dr Who ever with an effeminate Doctor who often burst into tears and …
shock horror (or boring predictable) Dr Who engaged in a long lingering
same-sex kiss! You can’t make this stuff up.
The ratings
took another hit as the show’s ratings declined by over fifty percent during
the series. However, perhaps we should be concerned that so many people stayed
to watch this tripe. As the BBC still had some beleaguered Dr Who fans left to
preach at with their woke rubbish. This is great for the Corporation as they do
not need to care about ratings, they have captive financers, the poor old
Licence fee payers. Davies doesn’t really care about normal families and
entertaining them either, which is strange as Dr. Who used to be a family show
where normal heterosexual families would once upon a time gather around the TV
and watch some escapist entertainment together. If families did that today, it
would just be embarrassing.
Who wrote
this rubbish? How did they get to work on this once prestigious TV series?
Well, we have a Nigerian poet, Inua Ellams, whose work concentrates on race and
Identity; Pete McTighe one of the writers for the Thirteenth Doctor Who, so he
knows how to drive away audiences; Sharma Angel-Walfail, who won a Channel Four
writing completion and has a whopping three credits to her name, and Juno
Dawson, a Trans “woman” who wrote the book “This Book is Gay.”
So Dr. Who
is not really about a Time Lord and his adventures in space and time. It is
just another vehicle for the BBC to push the Alphabet People message. But how
long can the BBC survive with so many people switching off their programs, for they
all are infected by woke rubbish to some degree? However, just when you think
we may finally be rid of the BBC and the license fee, their allies in
Government are thinking of creating a compulsory tax that everyone has to pay;
cultural Marxism or what!?
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