The Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy
Part Two - The Pagan
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The homo-erotic Nativity (in St Peter's Square) |
can be no doubt about it: we have a very controversial pope, if you are an
orthodox faithful Catholic that is. It seems that pope Francis is more
concerned with following secular leads, the Zeitgeist
and pleasing secular commentators and liberals in the Church than affirming
traditional Catholic doctrine and the teachings of scripture. We can perhaps
today see that a new Babylon has arisen and invaded the Western world. This new
Babylon can be found in the modern mainstream media and there is very little
that comes out of it that affirms Judeo-Christian moral values, in fact quite
the opposite. As we have attempted to point out many times. And it appears that
this papacy is captivated by it.
Is Pope Francis really
a pagan?
pope likes to make off the cuff remarks to journalists like "who am I to
judge" when referring to homosexual activity. This then gets thrown in the
face of faithful Catholics who try to defend biblical and Catholic teachings on
the matter; I know, it's happened to me. There is a new direction in Vatican
moral theology that is in complete contrast with everything that has gone
before it, a complete turnaround in the sacred truths and against those given
us by Jesus Christ. We are told that this is merciful and yet it is really
licence that being talked about, not mercy at all.
perhaps it is really as this article explains? Please click link Francis explains
'who am I to judge' I am not convinced at all I must admit, is this pope simply playing games with
orthodoxy, two steps towards heterodoxy then one short step back, throwing faithful
orthodox Catholics a bone?
Just recently this
'pagan pope' told a "Gay" man that "God made you like that and
loves you like that". This is of course un-Christian rubbish, this goes
against the teaching of the one and only true God, the Christian God, for
nowhere in sacred Scripture does God say this, neither has the teachings of the
Church ever said this. St Paul, in Romans 1, writing of homosexuality as a
pagan practice
[25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and
worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is
blessed for ever. Amen.
[26] For this cause God delivered them up to
shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use
which is against nature. [27] And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the
natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men
with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the
recompense which was due to their error.
Of course this "Gay" man like so many poor homosexuals had
been abused by another homosexual when he was a boy - a homosexual priest! This
is why there are so many young homosexual men these days, they have been abused
by older homosexual men when they were young and have been perverted.
in his Amoris Laetitia he has even written that divorced and remarried can
receive the sacraments especially Holy Communion without an annulment. This has
caused much confusion in the Church and dismay among faithful Catholics
Pope Francis Vs Jesus
Francis suggests that the souls of those who die in mortal sin are not punished
for eternity but cease to be. However, Jesus says in Matthew 25:46 Then they
will go away to eternal punishment.
we must qualify this by saying that this is second hand information from a
notorious atheist Eugenio Scalfari who Francis gave an interview to who does
not take notes, however this is not the first time that this pope has let
himself be open to 'misinterpretation' so why does he give such interviews? I
believe he knows just what he's doing - making a mess and Chaos come from the abyss. Remember
the pope urged the Youth of South America to make a mess:
“Make a mess, but then also help
to tidy it up. A mess which gives us a free heart, a mess which gives us
solidarity, a mess which gives us hope.”
we have the pope taking four steps away from orthodoxy and only one back
"...tidy it up" in to what? Into new heterodox doctrines of course!
Am I being unfair? I don't think so just look at the mess at all levels in the
Church today.
Pope Francis Vs Our Lady
of Fatima
Lady of Fatima told Jacinta that more souls go to hell because of sins of the
flesh than for any other reason and yet this pope seems to be sanctioning the
worst possible type of sins of the flesh, homosexual acts, which often involve
child rape. As in the above person.
Pope St Uriah Heap vs the
Christian Family
Pope Francis' papacy there has been a complete degeneration of what little is
left of Christian morality in the West. And when millions of faithful Catholics
have tried to save marriage and the family he failed to support them.
million French Catholics marched through Paris against "Gay" marriage
- he failed to support them.
million Italian Catholics marched through Rome against "Gay" marriage
- he did very little.
did not call the faithful to support the Irish No to abortion vote.
am now dreading the World Meeting of Families in Dublin with pope Francis.
Dublin LGBTQ Pride parade had adopted the theme "We are Family" as
their motto - it goes from bad to worse.
This pope cannot,
nor can any pope unbind something that is now already bound in Heaven!
said to St Peter "And I say to thee: That thou
art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell
shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the
kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou
shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou
shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.
Therefore, this pope cannot, nor can any pope, change a doctrine
that has been defined by a past pope or by Jesus Himself for it has been bound
in heaven, to do so could mean that a future pope could just as easily change
it back again. There are of course a whole team of liberal Vatican priests and
bishops who are at work feverishly trying to find ways around Humanae Vitae.
They hope to find words and ways to unlock or unbind Catholic teachings on
morality especially sexual morality. It doesn't matter if Jesus Himself taught
on this morality; they and this pope want to change it. This is the reason why
there was such careful lobbying by liberals in the Curia to get him made pope.
is now up for grabs!
The ban on
activity, LGBT marriage "blessings" or worse
celibate male only Priesthood
The family
Even ...
We have a useless pope, a
complicit pope, an evil pope and he is leading people into hell. Please pray
for him and all his misled supporters.
It pains me to my very
core to write such things about our pope, the papacy which we at CUT have long
tried to support with very little help from priests or bishops (a few notable exceptions
and even a Cardinal) but too little to matter.
By Prayer Crusader St Philomena
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