Friday, 7 March 2025

Oscars flop again


The Death of Hollywood?

The Oscars were a flop again, notwithstanding the usual media hype. Perhaps more than ever given that one of the actresses nominated for an Oscar was a man! He didn’t win it. The leading Oscar contenders Emilia Perez and Conclave were ultimately about the alphabet people, they didn’t do too well either, probably given the backlash they were the biggest flops in Hollywood history. Of course a lot of glitterati attended the award ceremony the hall was full of actresses wearing dresses that cost more than a year’s salary of their illegal immigrant gardeners and maids. There were the usual speeches about climate change, which is brave given that quite a few flew in on their private jets, the usual dig at the Orange Man with general virtue signalling regarding what is the thing this year. It’s just that no one watched it, the numbers were down this year from an already low level. Perhaps this is not surprising given the quality of the films they are churning out.

              The problem is Hollywood doesn’t have new ideas anymore, Action hero films get worse every year, as they descend into the realms of girl bosses running around and kicking everything. Hasn’t someone told them that this genre is usually watched by boys and men and while seeing some “chick” girl boss in a tight costume Karate kicking the living daylights out of burly men three time her strength is ok for a novelty but a film has to be more than that, even a superhero film. Romantic Comedies must have “Gays” in them, melodramas descend to little more than adverts for the Alphabet People. So despite the critics and Hollywood academy linking this stuff the ordinary cinema goers, the people who ultimately pay for all this nonsense doesn’t and they are losing the habit of going to the theatre.

              Why can’t Hollywood find interesting and exciting subjects to make films about anymore? Is there nothing left for them to exploit, apart from the usual sex, nudity and the Alphabet people?

Given that there is the vast history of Christendom to make films about surely there could be some wonderful films to be made, but no they won’t go there. So no I doubt they will learn their lesson, and there will be ever diminishing returns until Hollywood becomes irrelevant, and most cinemas close.