Thursday, 31 October 2024

Woke Mind virus No 3



The BBC, soaps, and social engineering

It's long been known that mainstream TV channels use soaps for social engineering, East Enders and Coronation Street being prime platforms for socially left producers and scriptwriters to brainwash as many of their viewers as they can get their hands on. They find soaps and drama particularly fertile ground for pushing the "Message" as it's become known by the more based commentators like yours truly. The "Message" is against pretty well everything that Western Christian society stands for.

            The BBC daytime soap Doctors is a prime example; the programme has been running since 2000 and has had over 4,496 episodes. It was filmed at Birmingham Pebble Mill Studios. Since its first appearance, it has proved popular with daytime viewers and has an average audience of 1.6 million. In recent years, this soap opera has been used to promote the "message" and to belittle any one of its characters with traditional family values. One Doctor, for example, is someone who is written into the script as a nasty, horrible bigot for standing up to all the cross-dressing, gender-bending, gay nonsense that happens in and around the practice. The doctor actually seems normal and sensible even though the script puts him down at every possible moment, is it just me with my traditional Christian outlook on everything that I identify with him? Throughout the series, clunky dialogue and poor acting are used in an attempt to put down this hapless doctor, but why is it so popular? Another question comes to mind, is it possible for a Christian, particularly a Catholic with traditional family values and faith, to work in the modern workplace. I have not actually seen an episode of this, but I rely solely on other commentators on the internet, such as Paul Joseph Watson. Here is a link to his commentary: Here: Here We Go Again. Watson is somewhat bombastic but usually talks sense, even if he comes over quite strongly sometimes.

Friday, 18 October 2024

Diversity and the Assisted Suicide Bill


The Main Stream Media and Diversity

The mainstream media supports diversity; we have black actresses in leading roles in remakes of Jane Austin period dramas, the Alphabet people are well represented in major soaps on TV, and Islam is, of course, also well represented and treated with respect, of course. However, devout faithful Christians, and especially Catholics, are not. If they are included in a modern production, it is only to show them as nasty bigots. The MSM will never report on the targeting of faithful Christians by groups like Stonewall, who, according to the interim report of the Commission of Inquiry into Discrimination Against Christians. It is ironic that the very religion (Islam) that is likely to attack Stonewall and all it stands for and left alone, does this not strike you as cowardly?  Here is a link to the Catholic Herald article Stonewall and LGBT activists coordinating harassment of UK Christians, report claims - Catholic Herald


Assisted Suicide Bill

Catholic virtually standing alone

There is a very dangerous bill being considered in both Ireland and the UK and virtually the same time. This could affect every living soul in the British Isles; like abortion, this must be opposed with all our might. Click here for another Catholic Herald Article Archbishop reminds Catholics that Ireland considering assisted suicide bill at same time as UK - Catholic Herald

Friday, 11 October 2024

Woke Mind Virus No. 2



The Hollywood Ending

There is a new big-budget film with an "A" list cast that will soon be released, but is it just another big-budget bash at the Catholic Church from the mainstream media? So what is the film all about? Well, it seems to me that this is Hollywood's attempt to influence the choosing of the next pope. For, of course, all the teachings, morality, and theology of the Catholic Church are intrinsically evil! Here is the film's blurb from IMDb:


When Cardinal Lawrence is tasked with leading one of the world's most secretive and ancient events, selecting a new Pope, he finds himself at the center of a conspiracy that could shake the very foundation of the Catholic Church.


The pope is dead. Behind the locked doors of the Sistine Chapel, 118 Cardinals from all over the globe will cast their votes in the world's most secretive election. They are holy men. But they have ambition. And they have rivals. Over the next 72 hours, one of them will become the most powerful spiritual figure in the world.

High end production values

 The film is being tipped as an Oscar winner, and Ralph Fiennes as best actor. Critics are raving over it, with reviewers gushing that this film is so entertaining, so slick, and it's fantastic because it differentiates between "religion" and "faith". Modern reviews know all about faith and especially the Catholic faith, of course, it is a self-perpetuating conversation; the Church must change! And if Hollywood, that bastion of good taste and culture, can push the Church to a more loving, liberated, and progressive institution, more in tune with the modern world, it will do it. And Conclave, the latest secular incursion into the realms of the Church, is their latest attempt.


A stellar cast

No apology spoilers:

The film revolves around Fr Lawrence the Camerlengo (the Cardinal Chamberlain who runs the Conclave). Described as a thriller, the film consists mainly of a number of conversations and the jostling for power of the various cardinals. The writing is powerful. The cinematography and sets are fantastic, the production values are of the highest quality. This, by all accounts, is a gripping entertaining thriller. However, once again, we have the dichotomy that everything that is well made, well put together, and fantastic fun-filled entertainment is actually good; it's certainly not good for Christianity and therefore it is, in fact, evil. Will the sheer brilliance of this film do the damage to what's left of the traditional Catholic Church that the filmmakers hope and make them a load of money on the way?

            The battle is between a Traditionalist Latin Mass-saying Cardinal who is depicted as a nasty fundamentalist and the kinder liberal-minded Cardinals, who listen to nuns even, Sr Agnes, played by Isabella Rossellini, is given some "great" lines to undermine traditional male roles. However, the film appears to end with the liberals well on top with the election of a last-minute Cardinal creation by the last pope before he died, who is in fact, a biological woman. Traditional Catholic morals are then thrown out the window as the Church presses forward into a new liberated progressive wonderland.