The Main Stream Media
and Diversity
The mainstream media supports diversity; we have black actresses in leading roles in remakes of Jane Austin period dramas, the Alphabet people are well represented in major soaps on TV, and Islam is, of course, also well represented and treated with respect, of course. However, devout faithful Christians, and especially Catholics, are not. If they are included in a modern production, it is only to show them as nasty bigots. The MSM will never report on the targeting of faithful Christians by groups like Stonewall, who, according to the interim report of the Commission of Inquiry into Discrimination Against Christians. It is ironic that the very religion (Islam) that is likely to attack Stonewall and all it stands for and left alone, does this not strike you as cowardly? Here is a link to the Catholic Herald article Stonewall and LGBT activists coordinating harassment of UK Christians, report claims - Catholic Herald
Assisted Suicide Bill
Catholic virtually
standing alone
There is a very dangerous bill being considered in both Ireland and the UK and virtually the same time. This could affect every living soul in the British Isles; like abortion, this must be opposed with all our might. Click here for another Catholic Herald Article Archbishop reminds Catholics that Ireland considering assisted suicide bill at same time as UK - Catholic Herald
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