Saturday, 17 August 2024

Two Tier Media


The Western Media, the riots, and Christendom

Southport Riots

The rioting a couple of weeks ago was sickening; this is not the British way of doing things. We are still, at our core, a Christian country, I wonder do the rioters even know that they are wearing the cross of St George. However, could our Christian values be the very thing that people of a non-Christian background and culture take advantage of? We need to accept this, but we must understand what's happening. Perhaps? But we always need to proclaim the truth, for Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the light,' the Church also teaches there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church unless through the invincible ignorance of a person leading a good life outside the Catholic Church. Even Vatican II states this in the decree on the Church's Missionary activity, Ad Gentes Divinitue. The Catholic Church built Western Civilisation, often referred to as Christendom, although Christendom includes Western countries that became Protestant. However, Protestant countries were formed on the structures, laws, and foundations they had taken over from the Catholic Church.

            It is not racist to say it is basically from Europeans that all the great advances in Civilisation took place; not because we are a better people but because we are/were Christians! For Jesus Himself said, seek God and His justice and all these other things will be given you. Fr Thomas Crean O.P., in an interview given for our Christendom docudrama, stated that it was the Mass, in fact, the Latin Mass, that is at the heart of Western Civilisation, and Dr. Joseph Shaw, in an interview for our The "Reformation" series, stated that the Latin Mass is Western Civilisation's greatest artifact. Therefore, these two modern Catholic scholars are saying that it is from the Latin Mass that Western Civilisation sprung.

            However, the Western mainstream media will not even acknowledge that the Catholic Church had anything to do with the ascent of civilisation these days, even if Sir Kenneth Clark, the Scots/English art historian, and broadcaster virtually states this in his groundbreaking documentary Civilisation. Clark would convert to Catholicism before he died. The mainstream media do not ask the question, why do all these refugees from mainly Muslim countries want to come to the countries of the former Christendom? Could it be that, ultimately, Islam is a failed religion? Some will say (including Muslims themselves) that how can Islam be failing if they are growing at such a phenomenal rate, particularly in Western countries.  Well, the countries that they fled to because of a better standard of living and a more orderly civilization were based on Christianity. They leave behind countries in chaos, which seems indicative of the religion that governs those countries, Islam, which has failed.

            So I return to the main question of this post, why are Christians, or rather former Christians, wearing the flag of St George and rioting rather than trying to convert the new arrivals to the true religion of peace, Christianity? And why are Muslims who flee the chaos of Muslim countries not converting to the religion of their host country Christianity, from which all this prosperity and peace emanates? Could it be that the mainstream media are letting us down by not giving Christianity a fair hearing, and one further question do we have a two-tier media?

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