Sunday, 7 April 2019

A corrupt media and establishment zeroing in on faithful Catholics

The Media Crucifixion of Cardinal Pell.

It is clear from all the evidence that Cardinal Pell of Australia could not have committed the child molestation he has been imprisoned for. So why has he been convicted and put in prison? There are perhaps two reasons for this: one, he is the most prominent Catholic in an extremely anti-Catholic country; and two, he refused LGBT activists Holy Communion at the altar rail. From that moment onwards the Australian media went for him in a big way.

There was in place a witch hunt for evidence. Detective Chris Reed pursued Pell for years long before anyone accused the Cardinal of anything; he was accused of "zeroing in" on Pell, adverts were taken out in the press for people to come forward who had been molested by Pell. Some did come forward; however most were dismissed as not credible. However, two choir boys claimed that Pell molested them after Mass. The media and "celebrity" world went ballistic; journalists went on a feeding frenzy. They've always claimed that Catholic and biblical teaching are hateful; now they have a chance to discredit it all, and that's what it's all about, undermining Catholic moral teachings, nothing else. Of course ultra anti-Catholic bigot Tim Minchin, who could not write a song about Pope Benedict without adding more expletives than other lyrics - "Pope song" a hate inducing piece of anti-Catholic garbage if ever I heard one. Minchin wrote another song, a lullaby to Pell to get him imprisoned. Oh, Satan is very clever.

So let's look at what happened 2002. Cardinal Pell refused Holy Communion to "Gay and lesbian  Catholic" activists at the altar rail; the activists were making a point of protest during Mass by wearing the Rainbow Sash. Therefore they were  trying to force the Church to accept something that is wrong and against the teachings of Sacred Scripture and of the Church, and forcing the Church's hand. From then on of course the media, the LGBT brigade and their supporters were out to get him.

The accusations are that Cardinal Pell sexually abused two choir boys after Mass while he was fully vested, in a busy sacristy where people go in and out after Mass all the time,  the MC, the altar servers, the sacristan and other visitors who visit the sacristy after Mass etc. etc. The "molested" choir boys then returned to practise with the choir, through doors that were always kept locked. Not only that but one of the boys has since died but before he died he told his mother that he was not molested! So the Cardinal is being convicted on the evidence of one uncorroborated story. This is not justice as we know it.

This is also the second trial for the same offence; the first one, the jury came out in favour of Pell's innocence, 10 to 2. However, that was not good enough for the Australian media and vicious LGBT community and the Australian legal system. So a retrial was enacted and this time with a new jury they all got the verdict they wanted. Remember also that elements in the liberal Catholic hierarchy were happy too. Cardinal Pell was orthodox and they wanted him as much as the Australian media.

So what chance does a Catholic leader have these days if he preaches with true charity and love and tries to save the souls of the poor misguided LGBT sufferers?

And there you have it, the media is so powerful, so full of LGBT activists and their supporters they can subvert justice, the government, and brainwash the population. If you say anything on sexuality that is in step with Christianity, you've had it.


  1. Who needs our prayers the most, Cardinal Pell, The jury, the detective Chris Reed, Tim Minchin or the Australian legal system?

  2. You don't really believe 10 voted to acquit, then 12, on the same evidence unanimously voted to convict on all charges? This 10 to acquit is only found on websites vehemently supportive of George Pell. It's not reported in the mainstream media. It's made up. ItsI FAKE NEWS!

    1. I suggest you read the Guardian not known for being favourable towards the Catholic Church, they report the verdict of the first trial earlier in 2018 went 10- 2 in Pell's favour.

    2. Put a link in to back up your claim!

      As it's a criminal offence, in Victoria, to report disclose that sort of information, why hasn't a criminal investigation happened?

      I await your link to the Guardian article.

  3. Here's the article!

    Doesn't back up your claim.

    In fact it refutes your claim.

    "It has been rumoured that the jurors in the mistrial were split 10-to-two in favour of Pell. Is this right?

    This is an unverified rumour with no credible source."

  4. From the Australian

    "The guilty verdict was delivered in December by a unanimous jury, in a properly constituted court, after an earlier jury was dismissed on September 20 because it split 10-2 in Pell’s favour. Hence the second trial, in which many people, whether they like or loathe Pell and all he stands for, believe went badly wrong."

    Just Google "10 to 2 Jury verdict in favour of Pell" and you'll get loads of articles saying this by Catholic and secular media outlets - I rest my case!

  5. You claimed the Guardian. That was untrue. None of Rupert Murdoch's media empire is reputable or mainstream.

    As the Guardian, which you claimed as your source said:

    "This is an unverified rumour with no credible source."

    Try being truthful for a change.

  6. "Try being truthful for a change" interesting comment - I can only say what is being said by the main stream media on this again. please see the below report when you google "The Guardian 10 to 2 jury verdict on Cardinal Pell" try it. Thank you for your interest in this lets hope Cardinal Pell innocence will be proved and he will be released.

    Cardinal George Pell's conviction: the questions that ... - The Guardian
    1 Mar 2019 - George Pell's trials on child sexual assault charges have received ... rumoured that the jurors in the mistrial were split 10-to-two in favour of Pell.
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 08/04/19

  7. You claim that the Guardian reported the claim when what they did was refuted a rumour which they said was "an unverified rumour with no credible source." You have yet to link to a mainstream media source which supports this unverified rumour which has no credible source. Don't link to the Rupert Murdoch media empire which prides itself as not being mainstream media and which frequently attacks mainstream media.

    I've already shown you were not being truthful.

  8. I have presented you with the evidence and the link if you don't want to believe what's staring you in the face then I can't help you. However here is the link and evidence for the last time. Please read what comes up when you google this. We think its you who are not truthful or in denial.

    Cardinal George Pell's conviction: the questions that ... - The Guardian
    1 Mar 2019 - George Pell's trials on child sexual assault charges have received ... rumoured that the jurors in the mistrial were split 10-to-two in favour of Pell.
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 08/04/19

  9. Yes its clear that the Guardian and other secular sources are admitting that the first trial went in Pell favour. Some say rumoured but your quotes are honest and above board. Keep up the good work.
