Friday, 28 April 2023

The media destroying culture

 Is the Western Media destroying Western Culture?

It is clear that Western Culture is the dominant culture in the world today. For the West, mainly Europe and North America, is where all the great cultural and material advances took place. Hollywood, television and the mass media grew and developed in the West and its films, programmes, documentaries and the presentation of news and current affairs developed in the West and acted as a vehicle for modern thought and trends. The scientific and engineering advancements also mainly took place in these cultures. However, perhaps Western man is not crediting the very foundation and structure that enabled this to happen: Christianity.

                However, with the sidelining and corrupting of many Christian denominations by secular culture pushed hard by the Main Stream Media the churches are becoming ineffective. They can no longer steady the culture and keep it on an honest path. There are two prongs to Satan's horns here: Abortion and Homosexuality with all its Alphabet People variations. With many denominations now even performing same-sex blessings, the secular Churches are splitting or losing their people. Not the majority but sizeable minorities will either try to form newer smaller churches that adhere to the traditional teaching of their now corrupted denominations, or leave for another.

                It is more than anything the accepting of all things Alphabet People that is cursing society, this of course is led by the MSM. They are so pro this gender ideology that when Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who had "Transitioned" into a man, ran rampant in a Christian school shooting three children and 3 adults - the MSN were more concerned about the misgendering of her than her victims!

                At Clear Vision Catholics we have had a post deleted for simply trying to explain where all this Transitioning is leading. It might not be very nice to live in the future, and perhaps with the crushing of any debate on the whole Alphabet People world we are all in for a rough ride.

 Prayer Crusader St Philomena

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