Orthodox Catholics
should get involved in the Synodal Journey
Here are some thoughts on what this synod is all about:
As Christians we are called as an act of charity to welcome and accept everyone, however the key word is "Christian". A Christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ and a disciple therefore must be disciplined in the ways and teachings of the Catholic Church.
What is true
Christian Love and Charity?
Charity toward all mankind no matter who or what they are is what I believe to be the governing factor in how the Holy Spirit is moving us. However, what is the best way to show true love and welcome all into the Church?
If we do not remain
true to the faith will the Church die?
It has been noted many times that when the Catholic Church or any other Church does not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church it loses members and closes churches. This can be seen very clearly in the Anglican church; the ordination of women and an acceptance of homosexual acts has not made this denomination attractive particularly to the young but has repulsed many of them. The Methodist church as well has been split down the middle by actually carrying out same-sex blessings and again have had to close churches and lost members. The Anglican Church plan to close 400 churches in the next decade, they have closed 1000 in the last 30 years, this church used to claim 40% of England population it is now down to 12%.
How can the Church
truly welcome and accept everyone?
The Catholic Church can show that it welcomes and accepts everyone by being faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teachings of His disciples. Jesus said, "go forth and teach all nations." Some translations of Matthew 28:19 says, "Make disciples of all nations". Therefore, we are asked by Jesus Himself to teach and make disciples of all people, to be a disciple one must be disciplined and follow the teachings. Therefore, we can only truly love, teach and welcome everyone into the Catholic Church by being faithful to her teachings, including by following her teachings on an all-male priesthood, that homosexual acts cannot be accepted and the teachings on contraception and abortion must be affirmed. The liturgy too must be respectful and create a sense of the sacred whether in the New Rite or the Traditional Latin Mass. Traditionis Custodes should be modified or abandoned as it gives the impression that faithful Catholics who have an attachment to the Latin Mass are not welcome and accepted. I believe that the Holy Spirit is showing us by the huge growth in people (particularly young people) attending the Traditional Latin Mass that this liturgy and traditional family values are the way forward for the Church.
What is true Christian welcoming and
Homosexuals in the Priesthood have caused great harm. This is not an assertion but a fact, for in study after study where the Church has been in crisis due to child sex abuse has shown that over 80% of the abuse has been of a male-on-male nature therefore homosexual. Studies throughout the world particularly in England, France, Germany, and the USA have proved this, therefore Homosexuals should not be allowed into the priesthood, even if they are celibate for Jesus says in the Lord's prayer "lead us not into temptation". And yet women or married priests are not the answer as Jesus our great high priest was a celibate man as were all of his apostles. The blessing of same-sex couples in Catholic Church as proposed by the German church is not compatible with both the Old and New Testaments and the entire 2000-year history of the Catholic Church.
If the Synod on Synodality does anything, it should correct the German Synodal way, and expose those ideologues as heretical and damaging to the Church. The German Church appears to have too few faithful Catholics and too much money which is raised through the secular tax system. A Church that has corrupted the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church is not welcoming and accepting but on the contrary repulsive. It is a true act of Christian charity and love to be faithful to the teachings of the Church and not of the world.
Here is the link to the Bishop's Conference of England and Wales website for the Synod Contacts, please see who your contact is:
Here is the Christian Rising video in which we discuss the Synod:
Here is their hideous (rainbow flag resonating) logo: