Thursday, 30 December 2021

Pope Ozymandias


Prayer Crusader St Cecilia writes:

It is astonishing what you discover browsing in the highways and byways of English literature. Who knew that the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley forecast the disastrous results of Padre Bergoglio’s papacy over two hundred years ago? I refer to his sonnet misleadingly entitled ‘Ozymandias’:


I met a traveller from an antique land

Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert... Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Stamped on these lifeless things, the hates, the hopes,

The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:

“My name is Père Bergoglio, Pope of Popes:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.


Shelley might have been a notorious atheist but self-evidently he had more foresight than a certain pope I could name!


Friday, 12 November 2021

Twix Holloween ad

 The Woke of the Devil

Last Easter we had Cadburys crème Eggs ad where two homosexual men dance about in a garden, one taking a crème Egg and put it in his mouth, the other then bit the other half, and the gooey sickly internal goo trailed between them as they parted. Now we have Twix, a double chocolate bar employing LGBT themes in a Halloween themed ad.

This Twix ad is not only callous and occult themed involving a young boy dressed as a girl, a black clad witch and what looks the supernatural murder of another young boy. So here we have an ad for a chocolate bar that doesn't mention ... ah the chocolate bar at all, just a small logo at the end. A boy of about seven is playing in a princess dress when he is visited by his new nanny, a black clad black lipsticked witch! They go for a walk and the boy in the dress is taunted by another boy for wearing the dress. "Hey you, you look like a girl, why are you wearing that." The witch nanny then summons up her magic power and murders the taunting boy. Yes, she blows him away.

Children who watch TV and are not homeschooled these days are at risk, at risk of being abused, at risk of being brainwashed, at risk of being socially engineered into being either homosexual or wanting to "change" their sex. The situation is so serious that one in three teens have an LGBT mental illness; a survey has shown that 35% of 14-19 year olds want to change sex and 13% think they are homosexual. Source: NHS Digital.

It is vital for the future of young people today that parents protect them from the media and keep them at home and homeschool them. During the Covid pandemic parents became alarmed for they had access through Zoom to what their children are actually being taught - and it’s very Woke and evil. The Woke of the Devil. In fact all Woke is of the Devil.

Prayer Crusader St Philomena

Friday, 15 October 2021

The 'Vaccine' and the Irish bishops part 4

 Another treatment offered by medical professionals is ivermectin

Drs Paul Marik and Pierre Kory founders of the group Front line covid critical care alliance (FLCCC alliance) have been promoting ivermectin which is normally used for parasite infestations of the body. They have been having promising results with this drug.

 Marik “the Eastern Virginia Medical School professor and doctor goes on to review four clinical studies (also chronicled by TrialSite) including Mahmud, Rajter, Kahn, and Gorial and performs what he describes as a “meta-analysis” with mortality as an endpoint. He argues that the results indicate a “highly significant reduction in mortality.” Trialsite news

           Last month Dr. Kory and his team testified before the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee in favour of authorizing ivermectin, a Nobel Prize–winning  anti-parasitic agent, for early treatment of the novel coronavirus.  In his impassioned presentation, Dr. Kory explained that ivermectin “basically obliterates transmission of this virus,” with “miraculous effectiveness.”

Ivermectin has been the subject of dozens of studies and anecdotal success stories since it was found to reduce COVID-19 in a laboratory last June.

          “I've been treating COVID pretty much every single day since the onset,” Kory said at the December hearing.

“When I say ‘miracle’ I do not use that term lightly[.] ... [T]hat is a scientific recommendation based on mountains of data that has emerged in the last three months.”


Such data emanates from places like India, the second most populated nation in the world, which embraced the treatment protocol advanced by FLCCC, and has watched its case and fatalities rate drop in “steep decline.”  Though India has four times the population of the U.S., it has less than half of the coronavirus related deaths.  Source LSN

              According to Dr Ryan Cole, Medical Director of Cole Labs, who says, four billion doses of Ivermectin have safely been taken. With Ivermectin the death rate decreased 70-90% in hospitals treating COVID-19 patients.

              The American National institute of health (NIH) has been implacably against this drug. One wonders why?              

Remdesivir another drug on the market shows effectiveness against sars-cov2, the New England journal of medicine reports on trials of Remdesivir shows that it was better than placebo and shortened hospitalization time and also reduced respiratory tract infections.

             The Medical Express reports on a 31 year old man who was quite ill with a rare genetic disorder which prevented him from creating immune antibodies and contracted the sars-cov2:

             “Dr. Nicholas Matheson from the Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Disease (CITIID) at the University of Cambridge added: "Our patient's unusual condition gave us a rare insight into the effectiveness of remdesivir as a treatment for coronavirus infection. The dramatic response to the drug—on repeated challenge—suggests that it can be a highly effective treatment, at least for some patients."


The team further suspect that remdesvir is likely to be most beneficial when administered early in infection, before the virus is able to trigger a potentially catastrophic immune response. They say that the course of their patient's disease also underscores the important—but often conflicting—roles that antibodies play in protecting us from infection.


"The fact that our patient was unable to fight off the disease without treatment suggests that antibodies contribute to the control of SARS-CoV-2," explained Dr. Matthew Buckland from the Department of Clinical Immunology, Barts Health, London. "But this lack of antibodies may also have prevented his COVID-19 from becoming life-threatening, because he had no antibodies to trigger a damaging immune response.”


             Prelimininary tests by Gilead the drug manufacturers have shown in a phase three simple trial, “Among severely sick people, the antiviral drug reduced the risk of dying by 62 percent compared with standard care,”

        Which of course requires to be confirmed in clinical trials.

         Other trials have found the same results such as that among severely sick people, the antiviral drug reduced the risk of dying by 62% compared with standard care,

                 Dr Kathleen Mullane of Chicago university, an infectious disease specialist, has said good things about it. On studies she has done on it she has stated that most of the patients under her care were severely ill with sars-cov2 but with treatment with the drug they were able to go home within six days and only two had died.

                   Remdesivir has also shown good results in many animal studies and shown that it can prevent and treat sars-cov-2, and mers.

                   One wonders why the WHO have said they do not recommend this drug.

                    Tocilizumab has also shown promising results especially in people who are in the severely ill category. In one trial in India one doctor had this to say,

            “The trial's lead co-author, Professor A. V. Ramanan from the University of Bristol's School of Clinical Sciences, and Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, said: "Our study suggests tocilizumab might still be effective in patients with severe COVID-19 and so should be investigated further in future studies. It adds to existing evidence from the RECOVERY and REMAP-CAP studies which demonstrate that tocilizumab does have a significant impact on reducing mortality in those with COVID-19 requiring oxygen or being ventilated. After dexamethasone (steroids), this is still the most significant advance in the treatment of COVID that has an impact in reducing deaths." Source (Medical Express March 8th 2021)

   There are also ongoing trials with many other drugs that have not used murdered babies to obtain them.

Why would the relevant Government agencies be downplaying the potency of these very apt medicines and nature’s own immunity and healing properties? Might it have something to do with the fact that these agencies cannot legally allow on to the market an experimental vaccine where there is already a known treatment.

Hence the response to the Vatican statement where it states: “Therefore, doctors and fathers of families have a duty to take recourse to alternative vaccines… there is a grave responsibility to use alternative vaccines.”  This is not being adhered to and also falls at this fence.


The recent statement from the Vatican following on from the 2005 statement states,

         “Due to the situation of the ongoing pandemic, “all vaccinations recognized as clinically safe and effective can be used in good conscience with the certain knowledge that the use of such vaccines does not constitute formal cooperation with the abortion from which the cells used in production of the vaccines derive.”

In assessing the ethics and the morality of a vaccine one criterion is whether the vaccine is more dangerous than the disease? Well I must say personally I have not the slightest fear of the novel coronavirus. Let’s take a look.  Surely one should weigh up the matter. Bishop Doran, you may have been influenced by Pope Francis when he said “we must take the vaccine. “ When he was interviewed on the Italian news media he said,

        "If the doctors are presenting this to you as a thing that will go well and doesn't have any special dangers, why not take it?"

        These are serious words coming from the pope, one wonders if he has done any research.

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Video for CUT and the Crusade of Prayer

A video for CUT and the Crusade of Prayer for the season of Michaelmas, as St Michael the Archangel and Our Lady of Good Counsel are the patrons of CUT (Catholics Unplug your Televisions) and the Crusade of Prayer. We are a media study group who look at film and TV from a Catholic perspective.
Also members of CUT and the Crusade of Prayer have helped fund a new production for EWTN called Christendom. This programme shows how the Catholic Church helped form Western Civilisation. The programme is almost finished and this is a video and new on the project.

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Bungling Biden and Belligerent Bergoglio

World civilisation in trouble?

 At a time when the world needs strong and sensible leadership we have a bungling left-liberal president of the USA, the most powerful democracy in the world, and a belligerent left-liberal pope who seems to do nothing but undermine the teachings of the Church. 

Let us look at the pope first because he is more important than any secular world leader. Just before the Covid pandemic started he enshrined the Pachamama pagan idol in St Peter's basilica after it had been worshipped in the Vatican gardens. He then condoned civil same-sex unions (or rather a video documentary had him doing so even though it was edited, but the Vatican did not contradict it). He continues to support things politically correct, then just recently started to undermine the most important work of his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI to restore the Traditional Latin Mass. Could it be more than a coincidence that the Covid 19 pandemic started soon after the satanic Pachamama incident and in China? He had of course made a secret deal with the Chinese Communist Party to recognise the government controlled Patriotic Catholic Church and undermine the loyal underground Chinese Catholic Church; too much of a coincidence? It’s time Bergoglio led a penitential procession around Rome's churches to atone for all his heretical mismanagement of the Church. 

Then we have bungling Joe Biden, the leader of the "free world", the person the liberal PC mainstream media will not touch even now after all his incompetent actions. This so-called "devout" Catholic officiated in several same-sex marriages and has been a very vocal supporter of abortion. In recent days Biden and that other so-called "Catholic" American House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed to take action against Texas' new heart beat law; for once a heart beat is detected the foetus cannot be aborted. Perhaps we should not be so shocked that the mainstream media is so outraged at the bill. His withdrawal from Afghanistan was the height of incompetence, leaving many at the mercy of the Taliban and at the same time giving these terrorists one of the most well equipped armies in the world - for nothing. In another age Biden would be prosecuted for arming terrorists. 

It's not clear why these long term politicians are so "Woke". It's almost as if they have enacted policies put forward by the left-liberal media, for the media is power. However, now that they have caught up with the media and are leading again, or rather are eagerly jumping over the precipice of ultra liberalism, they are leading the destruction of Western culture faster than the media, who rush to catch up and overtake the government in pushing the whole of society over the edge. Make no mistake: the Main Stream Media, politicians like Biden and churchmen like this pope are destroying civilisation.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

The 'Vaccine' and the Irish bishops part 3


Your excellency, in your statement you write,


“The development of a vaccine which is safe, effective, and widely available represents the best chance of a return to normal living, for all of us,” This comes right out of Bill Gates’ note book. With all due respect your excellency it is untrue.


Hence the first criterion from Vatican statement is not fulfilled here.


There is a grave responsibility to use alternative treatments. This has not been employed. On the contrary, there is much evidence of Big Pharma companies, main stream media (MSM) and governments aggressively using every avenue mostly immoral to suppress, close down, mock and vilify any and every effort of all those, no matter what their vast medical experience, so that they can not promote or manufacture ethical, safe, effective and cheap alternatives to deal with corona virus. In the Vatican alternative treatment is referenced fourteen times. One could ask how could this have been overlooked? Not easily!

Yes, there are alternatives. One of these is Hydroxychloroquine.(HCQ). There have been numerous studies done by various medical professionals who have come up with very good results especially in the early stages of the virus. Take for instance Uganda; in August 2020, it had only 15 deaths from corona virus. They were using Hydroxychloroquine obviously with great effect. The greatest benefit from this remedy is when it is administered in the earlier stages. WHO told Uganda they were to stop using HCQ. Since then there has been a 1200% increase in deaths in Uganda.

Studies have shown that Hydroxychloroquine has reduced the number of persons from being hospitalized by up to 84% when administered with Zinc and Azithromycin. Source: Science direct. Debi Vinnedge to whom the Vatican statement was addressed following her enquiries has stressed,

“we have morally produced treatments for patients who are already infected, notably Hydroxychloroquine or Plaquenils.”

(plaquenils is another name for Hydroxychlorine) Another doctor, Dr Stella Immanuel, said she has treated over 350 patients at the clinic where she works in Houston Texas, Rehoboth Medical Centre. She stated outside the U.S. Supreme court:

“In the past few months, after taking in over 350 patients, we [Rehoboth Medical Center] have not lost one. Not a diabetic, not somebody with high blood pressure, not somebody with asthma, not an old person. We’ve not lost one patient.” Source: American frontline doctors, Whitecoat summit, outside supreme court Washington D.C. 28/07/2020 But the video of Dr. Immanuel testifying to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine was taken down, censored by Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, and denounced by Bill Gates as “outrageous”. It just so “happens” that Bill Gates is developing a COVID-19 vaccine with German biotech company CureVac, Moderna, GlaxoSmithKline.

Dr Harvey Risch of Yale university has written a paper on defending the use of HCQ; he comments:

“I reiterate: we are considering the evidence for early treatment of high-risk outpatients to prevent hospitalization and mortality. That is it. Treatment starting in the first five days or so after the onset of symptoms. Treatment of older patients or patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, lung diseases, kidney diseases, immune-system diseases, survivors of cancer etc. These are the people most likely to die from Covid, and they are the people most needing protection. I have sought to obtain reports of every study of every medication pertaining to early treatment of high-risk outpatients. I monitor the literature daily. And what I have found is actually quite remarkable. What I have observed is that while there have been positive reports about a number of drugs, every study of outpatient use of one drug, hydroxychloroquine, with or without accompanying agents, has shown substantial benefit in reducing risks of hospitalization and mortality.

So what did I find about hydroxychloroquine in early use among high-risk outpatients? The first thing is that hydroxychloroquine is exceedingly safe. Common sense tells us this, that a medication safely used for 65 years by hundreds of millions of people in tens of billions of doses worldwide, prescribed without routine screening EKGs, given to adults, children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, must be safe when used in the initial viral-replication phase of an illness that is similar at that point to colds or flu. In fact, a study by researchers at the University of Oxford showed that in 14 large international medical-records databases of older rheumatoid arthritis patients, no significant differences were seen in all-cause mortality for patients who did or did not use hydroxychloroquine. The Oxford investigators also looked at cardiac arrhythmias and found no increase for hydroxychloroquine users. This was in more than 900,000 hydroxychloroquine users. This is examined at length in my paper in the American Journal of Epidemiology in May…

About studies of hydroxychloroquine early use in high-risk outpatients, every one of them, and there are now seven studies, has shown significant benefit: 636 outpatients in São Paulo, Brazil; 199 clinic patients in Marseille, France; 717 patients across a large HMO network in Brazil; 226 nursing-home patients in Marseille; 1,247 outpatients in New Jersey; 100 long-term care institution patients in Andorra (between France and Spain); and 7,892 patients across Saudi Arabia. All these studies pertain to the early treatment of high-risk outpatients—and all showed about 50 percent or greater reductions in hospitalization or death. The Saudi study was a national study and showed 5-fold reduction in mortality for hydroxychloroquine plus zinc vs zinc alone. Not a single fatal cardiac arrhythmia was reported among these thousands of patients attributable to the hydroxychloroquine.

We have spent the last six months with formal government policies and warnings against early outpatient treatment, with large government investments in vaccines and expensive new treatments yet to be proven and almost no support of inexpensive but useful medications, and a quarter of a million Americans have died from this mismanaged approach. Even with newly promising vaccines, we have almost no information about how they will perform in older and high-risk patients, in whom respiratory virus vaccines are known to have weak efficacy; it will be a number of months before they become widely available; and we don’t know how long vaccine immunity will last, or even if the vaccines will work for the newly increasing mutant strains of the virus. As I have said on many occasions, the evidence for benefit of hydroxychloroquine used early in high-risk outpatients is extremely strong, and the evidence against harm is also equally strong. This body of evidence dramatically outweighs the risk/benefit evidence for remdesivir, monoclonal antibodies or the difficult to use bamlanivimab that the FDA has approved for emergency use authorizations while denying the emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine. This egregious double standard for hydroxychloroquine needs to be overturned immediately and its emergency use authorization application approved.”

Statement of Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health to the U.S. house senate hearing.

Dr. Lisa Koche, MD, a medical specialist affiliated with St Joseph’s hospital Florida is another doctor who advocates the use of HCQ. She is triple board certified with 8000 patients under her care desiring to give to her patients. She understands over this medication that it is perfectly safe which has been used for the last sixty five years with no dangerous side effects and is now prevented from giving it to her patients because of the banning of HCQ. She recommends that this medication be administered early on, a 200mg dose being given as a preventative against Sars-Cov-2.

Dr Zev Zelenko has been nominated for the Nobel medical prize for his work on Sars-CoV-2 successfully treated 350 patients with HCQ with 100% outcome. He has a common sense approach and he enumerates numerous other treatments for Sars-CoV-2, such as treatment regimens like Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Azithromycin. He has said that there are also other approaches such as Ivermectin, steroids, blood thinners that can be utilized against the virus. See: Science Direct, “Does zinc supplementation enhance the clinical efficacy of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine to win today's battle against COVID-19?”

Dr Brian Procter, a board certified physician, has treated over 350 patients within 3 months. He has had a 100% success with his regime of treating patients with HCQ. When treated early there has been no ventilators, no hospitalizations, no ER visits, no cardiac arrests, no side effects,

He proffered the following;

“ if we treat COVID-19 just like anything else we treat (ie, the flu, pneumonia, a sinus infection, hypertension, and diabetes) early and aggressively with a regimen that costs $50 out of pocket or less with 100% success (which is a far better stat than treating all those other conditions), then why is the country shut down and doing social distancing? This political sham must stop.

The American people deserve to know they can go to their regular doctor and get treated early with a regimen that is completely safe and extremely effective, and they do not need to worry about ending up in the hospital and dying. The public is UNAWARE of this, please educate them with the truth. The country needs to return to normal NOW. This is the REAL story. Please feel free to contact me with questions. My heart goes out to all those who have needlessly suffered and continue to suffer during this sham crisis and a disease that is extremely treatable if treated EARLY!!!”

Source, Dr Eowyn, Fellowship of Minds

The number of medical doctors that accept this substance as a safe and effective medicament are too numerous to list here.

Saturday, 31 July 2021

Blasphemy and pornography In the film Benedetta

It is almost impossible to find good pro-Christian mainstream films in modern cinema. In addition, when they do talk about Christianity and especially Catholicism it's either to mock or to disparage and to blaspheme. Pathé's new film Benedetta is a case in point. The film by Dutch director Paul Verthoeven, who has a penchant for sex and violence in his films, carries on down his sordid path and now adds extreme blasphemy to his repertoire of evil.


The film is loosely based on a 17th century Catholic nun and mystic who, according to the film, had a lesbian affair with another nun. The film contains lesbian sex, nudity and even the use of a statue of Our Lady in a sexual way! The scenes are so shocking and explicit that some reviewers say it is no more than pornography. And yet it only has a 12 rating, therefore exposing children to homosexual pornography and at the same time smearing Catholicism with its visuals of the 17th century Church using all the cinematic tricks to falsely portray the Church and cause as much damage and hatred as possible. Its director has already been nominated for the Palme d'Or and also of course for the Queer Palm for the film at the Cannes Film Festival.


This is pornography writ large, this is hate speech in the extreme, designed to make Catholicism hated and mocked whilst at the same time titillating. It is a nasty exploitive piece of "Gay" propaganda masquerading as truth and art. Please sign CitizenGo's petition to have the offensive scenes removed.


Please sign the Citizen Go petition below:

Monday, 12 July 2021

The Big Gay Hate Machine

The Big Gay Hate Machine
Christian baker Jack Phillips
The LGBT "community" are relentless. They keep coming at you on all fronts and they can be vicious with it; if they are not vicious then they play the victim card. If you push-back and state Christian teachings regarding homosexual acts they label you a hater! Forgetting completely that the actions the so called "Gay" lobby are using are the tactics of hatred. For example, Jack Phillips of the Masterpiece Cake Shop in the USA has been repeatedly taken to court for refusing to bake a cake celebrating anything LGBT; it's not that he will not bake a cake for a homosexual or Trans person, he just will not decorate his cakes with anything celebrating a sinful act whether "Gay" or Trans etc. There were other cake shops around him who did not have a Christian conscience who would have been happy to have baked the "Gay" cake, but the LGBT community want to force him to violate his Christian beliefs or be shut down. So the LGBT community and their supporters have been relentless in their pursuit of him, and with huge funds behind them they are taking him to court again, this time for a "Trans" cake, and hope to get the ruling they want and close him down. Such hatred, such relentless pursuit of an innocent Christian, is breath taking. How do we as Christians respond? It is perhaps all too easy to sink to their level and hate in response but we cannot do this: Christianity is the religion of love. However, what are we talking about when we state this? Our love does not mean we go along with the LGBT demands; no, that would not be love, that would be cowardice. We must stand firm and show these poor souls the truth of their actions and point out that their lifestyles are leading them to damnation. If we fail to do this we are helping them on their way to eternal death, the death that they are living here on earth at this moment and will carry into eternity. Therefore, we cannot bake their cakes, just as they cannot have their cake and eat it.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Advertising has gone totally Woke


Mainstream Media Advertising and children's TV have gone totally Woke

Children's TV today!

The big multinational corporations are using openly LGBT themes for their adverts. It appears that nothing is safe from the LGBT appropriations, the word "Gay", the Rainbow, Pride (although pride has always been a sin), and now the whole month of June, all in the name of disordered sexual desires. The advertising world is replete with "Gay" advertising. From Renault to holidays in Spain everywhere there are homosexual themes.

One of the first to use homosexuals in their adverts was the Ikea "Dining Room" ad (in 1994) where two men talk about how great Ikea is for their life together etc. We had the disgusting Cadbury Creme Egg ad before last Easter, where two men eat a Creme Egg between them - at the same time. Cadburys also have the halal symbol on their products. Why do advertisers pander so much to the LGBT minority? The simple reason is that the "Gay" lobby, like the Muslim one, are expert bullies. If they are not bullying they are whining on how hard done by they are. And with the TV for the last fifty years promoting all things homosexual we now have the BBC telling us that "June is Pride month, it is a month dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ+ communities all around the world". But what is Pride month all about? It's not about love, despite their latest slogan "Love is Love"; it's not about love between a man and a woman, the love that reflects God's love for his spouse the Church. No! It's about lust, disordered sexual activity. It's about the love of sin and pride in sin. The main stream media is ramming this down the throats of everyone and even children - especially children, destroying their innocence and preparing them for a life of sin, brainwashing them to accept and even participate in a dissipated lifestyle.

Children's TV full of LGBT themes

Virtually every TV show now has homosexual, lesbian or Trans characters. They are particularly targeting children, and remember Jesus said "It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin." However, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, Cartoon, DreamWorks Animation, are deliberately targeting children with explicitly homosexual themes. One Children's cartoon called Blues Clues has a Nora's arch Pride Parade theme with all the animals waving rainbow flags with a song's lyrics sung by a drag queen that go:


 “This family has two mommies. They love each other so proudly and they all go marching in ... the ... big parade,”

The TV is worse than ever; children's TV is very damaging to children's innocence PROTECT CHILDREN FROM THE TV, ESPECIALLY SADLY CHILDREN'S TV!

It is our duty as Christians to show the world what true love really is; we must love the sinner but hate the sin - what do we mean by loving the sinner? It must be to come in contact with someone who is living a sinful life to try and help them out of that sin. This is true love, this is love is love, love is not disordered. Love is sacrifice, going that extra mile to save a soul, love is giving, love is a pure heart, for Jesus said “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

Thursday, 17 June 2021

The 'Vaccine' and Irish bishops part 2


Catholic Teaching and the 'Vaccine'

Bishop Strickland a true Shepherd 


Robert Bartholomew P.H.D. Is a medical sociologist, journalist and author, Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychological Medicine University of Auckland. He has published over 60 academic papers. He writes for several journals, including Psychology Today. Official

                   He is an expert in fields such as mass hysteria and mass psychogenic illness and is frequently consulted by media during current events of sociological phenomena such as incidences of suspected mass hysteria or panic.

              Dr Robert Bartholomew has come up with the following observation;      

                 “Robert Bartholomew Ph.D…acknowledges that every death linked to the virus is tragic. However, what he is calling for, is a downplay in the way news is being reported, and that words such as "deadly," and "grave," being used so frequently during reporting, are doing nothing to quell the rising panic of the general public, and equally nothing to actually inform the world of the facts.

 He's asking people to have some perspective. Psychology Today reports that the symptoms are no worse that the yearly flu outbreak, which the world is already used to, and that it is killing the same demographic as the common flu; the elderly, and the vulnerable - those with preexisting underlying conditions, whose health is already threatened.

The report continues to clarify that Coronavirus has already been confirmed to be milder than SARS, and MERS, the other viruses which were wildly sensationalised by the press…

What Psychology Today concludes by saying, is that we really need to beware of social media. Don't be fooled by the click bait headlines. Don't be fooled by the pictures of medical workers in hazmat suits, as they treat patients, and misquoted and flawed reporting. They call for the public to remember a key question; how is this different from any previous outbreak? So far, no different, and the outcome of all of the others, is that they have been contained, and the press have moved on. It's best practice to find reliable sources for the most up-to-date information, and not get drawn into the mass media panic…

      Source. Lucy Wigley

         Your Excellency, In your Statement you say:

“Meanwhile, it is important for all of us to do our best to discern very carefully the reliability of any information that we find on social media,”

          Very true, Big Tech has completely censored any objectivity or debate against experimental vaccines. It has altered its algorithm for when a search is entered for vaccines, it suppresses any dissent from the official narrative, highlighting any dangers or questioning  the ethics of it.

         Fr Chad Ripperger, an exorcist priest in America has stated,

         “And this is the problem with some of the stuff coming out recently,” he added. “The real problem with COVID is there’s not sufficiently grave cause to be vaccinated for it…People are being brainwashed by the mainstream media; they’re constantly harping on this thing.”

Ripperger also commented on the modern phenomena of how people are losing the ability to even assess the gravity of situations, because they make decisions based upon emotions and are “literally in panic mode.”

“There has to be mass death in order for us to start using things that are gravely morally illicit in order to survive,” he continued. Since the death rate for COVID-19 is so slight “it is not something for which the health requirements suffice in my opinion.”

        On Oct 4th 2020 many epidemiologists and health specialists got together to respond to the brute force of lockdowns in their declaration known as the great Barrington declaration named after where it was signed. They have asserted:

            “Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.


As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e.  the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.


The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection… Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practised by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.”

 This declaration has been signed by 57,022 Doctors, Public Health Scientists, Health Specialists and Medical Practitioners.


            This is a small sample of specialists who have concluded that there is no deadly pandemic, no more deadly than any other year. We may safely conclude the same. Hence from what has been mentioned above this would blow a hole in one of the specified criteria of the 2005 Vatican statement                                 

             “, it is right to abstain from using these vaccines if it can be done without causing…the population as a whole, to undergo significant risks to their health.”… “Moreover, we find, in such a case, a. proportional reason, in order to accept the use of these vaccines in the presence of the danger of favouring the spread of the pathological agent,”.

             A former professor at the University of Virginia’s school of medicine Dr. David Martin, Ph.D pointed out that hospitals are not testing patients for influenza in his view because governments:

           “don’t want to admit the fact that the majority of people who are in hospital, who are sick and who are dying, are experiencing exactly the same thing that’s happened every year, which is influenza-like, flu-like and pneumonia-like illness.”  Source. Life site news (LSN)

            The Centre for disease control (CDC) have had to admit, the death rate for cov-sars2 is much in line with flu. According to the CDC, the case survival rate of COVID-19 in patients ages 0 – 19 is 99.997%, 99.98% in patients 20 – 49 years, and 99.5% in patients 50 – 69 years. This is unaided, that is without medical treatment. With medical treatment it, the death rate, is vastly reduced as I shall mention later on.

             Dr Deborah Birx one of the U.S. government crew, has said in a press conference in April 2020, anyone who dies with covid will be counted as a covid death. No wonder that in Colorado they are counting people who have died with gun shot wounds as covid deaths.

            Dr David Cuddihy was questioned by an oireachtas committee on covid death numbers when questioned, if someone went in to hospital with a heart attack and died of a heart attack and if they happened to have tested positive for covid would that be classified as a covid death? He responded, it would be counted as a covid death. When questioned why this was the case, he said they were told to count the numbers this way by the WHO. No more questions. Given the god like status given to the WHO, who could ask any more questions?

Thursday, 10 June 2021

The 'Vaccine' and Irish bishops part 1


Catholic Teaching and the 'Vaccine'

·         From Prayer Crusader St Rita to the Irish Bishops

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ,

          Sometime ago you made a statement on receiving the corona virus, sars-cov-2  ‘vaccine’. In your statement on the experimental vaccine, though not saying it outright, it was certainly implicit that everybody including  Catholics,  should take the vaccine. From the moment the covid farce 19 news started hitting the airwaves it was clear that there was something amiss with this whole thing: the stoking of fear, of mis-information, of dis-information, of censorship of information, of the abuse of power of some holding an alternative agenda. This has continued on, unabated, even intensified since March 2020. I hope in this letter to show you that I respectfully disagree with you and why I disagree with you.

Your statement, as you say, is based on the statement made by the Vatican on Dec 2020, which drew from the statement from the Pontifical Academy of Life 2005, in a reply to Ms Debi Vinnedge who enquired as to the use of aborted babies’ remains in the Rubella vaccine. You may also be alluding to the statements made by the English and Welsh bishops made also in Dec 2020 where they selectively quote from the 2005 Vatican statement. The document from the pontifical academy 2005 is a fine document up to the point where, after finding that even though a vaccine has fetal remains in it, the writers state that it is wrong and then conclude that it is still ok to receive the vaccine.

    “, the use of vaccines whose production is connected with procured abortion constitutes at least a mediate remote passive material cooperation to the abortion, and an immediate passive material cooperation with regard to their marketing. Furthermore, on a cultural level, the use of such vaccines contributes in the creation of a generalized social consensus to the operation of the pharmaceutical industries which produce them in an immoral way.”

So how they got from saying this to saying it is morally acceptable is difficult to see. Be that as it may, even if we take this at face value we shall have a look at the taking of the sars-cov-2 experimental vaccine according to the points set out in the Vatican statements.

               Firstly, this statement by the Vatican is not a magisterial document. It is a body which can even have non-Catholic people working in it. It is not a sacred Congregation. So a Catholic is not bound by this statement.

     "The fact of the matter is, pontifical academies are very low in the scale of authority and even non-Catholics can be members. (And as it happens Some are and have even made pro-depopulation statements),  It's not a Sacred Congregation that has papal authority when upholding the perennial Magisterium Hence, its document on vaccines can be viewed as an informative opinion piece, nothing more.” ( Deacon Nick Donnelly)

      So a Catholic is not bound by this statement.

Even if we are to accept this Vatican statement let’s have a look at it and to see if according to its stipulations, it is ok to take experimental gene altering experimental therapy.

The first stipulation it makes is,

            “If persons are exposed to considerable dangers to their health, vaccines with moral problems pertaining to them may also be used on a temporary basis.”

Well is there a considerable danger to health?  We are told to look at the science and the science emphatically says, NO. we are not exposed to considerable danger. Numerous eminent physicians and medically related specialists have stressed this to be so:

            “the odds of the average person (unvaccinated) in this study cohort being hospitalized is 1/17,511 or 0.006 percent. The odds of such a person developing mild COVID, simply cold or flu symptoms, is 162/17,511 or 0.9 percent.

These are the odds of the average person coming down with COVID and are quite low. Is this worth shutting down large swaths of the economy for? Have we ever done that for seasonal flu?

 If you look at the entire study population of about 35,000, this many individuals would need to be vaccinated to keep one person out of the hospital. And that one would likely recover. That’s what the vaccine provides.”

Dr Brian Joondeph M.D., American thinker magazine commenting on FDA report on the Pfizer vaccine of 44,000 participants.

             Dr Martin Feeley, clinical director of the Dublin Midlands Hospital Group, has stated:

        “The number of deaths among recent cases is less than one in a thousand. This data reflects a disease much less severe than the average annual flu,”.   (Source, Digital Desk staff)

A group of over 200 German and Spanish doctors have set up an international investigation into Covid-19, called ‘The Covid-19 Extra-parliamentary Committee‘.’ They have stated ‘We don’t need to be anxious about covid-19 because it’s no different to the seasonal flu that we have every year.’

Source, Europe reloaded

             A group of doctors from Spain have got together to refute the disinformation surround covid. They have stated:

            We say to citizens: don’t be afraid, this virus is benign unless you are part of the at-risk populations. If the TV channels do the same thing with the flu, the numbers will be much higher than for the coronavirus! On average, television will report an average of 3 million cases and 2,000 deaths from the flu every day. And for tuberculosis, television will report an average of 30,000 cases and 5,000 deaths every day. The flu virus infects 1 billion people every year and kills 650,000, and tuberculosis infects 10.4 million people every year and kills 1.8 million.  Doctors for truth,  (Source, Europe Reloaded.)

             From an epidemiologist on the irrationality of reaction to covid,

            “I have never seen anything like this, anything anywhere near like this. I’m not talking about the pandemic, because I’ve seen 30 of them, one every year. It is called influenza… But I’ve never seen this reaction, and I’m trying to understand why.” —Dr Joel Kettner, professor of Community Health Sciences and Surgery at Manitoba University, Medical Director of the International Centre for Infectious Diseases;

           If we dissect the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) own statements it can be seen that covid isn’t is in line with flu deaths. This is what Kit Knightly has done,

 It’s a good expose and I will

Dr Michael Ryan has stated that about 10% of the world has been infected with covid on oct 5th 2020, trying to frighten us, the death toll then was just over 1,061,539 and the media used this to scare us and governments used it to justify lockdowns. The world has 7,800,000,000 on the planet which makes the covid death rate 0.014 which is the same as influenza rates which is 24 times lower than the WHO’s estimates of 3.4 % last March. Though this was used by the media to scare us. Did no-one in the media do the maths, they obviously didn’t want to. If we do the maths it should re assure that there is no deadly pandemic but scaremongering and grist for the mill for the media baying for lockdowns and leading to government capitulation to placate the media which led to severe lockdowns and disruptions of people’s lives. And now to experimental vaccines

               Dr Roger Hodkinson is a virologist, a Pathologist and was chairman of the Royal College of Physicians, Canada’s pathology committee, and is the chairman of a Biotechnology company in America. He had this to say on governments’ and media’s response to the so called deadly pandemic,

      “The bottom line is simply this: there is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus, other than protecting older more vulnerable people. It should be thought of nothing more than a bad flu season.”

 “It’s politics playing medicine and that’s a very dangerous game.”

 “Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence based for their effectiveness whatsoever. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signalling.”

 “Social distancing is also useless because Covid is spread by aerosols which travel 30 metres or so before landing. Enclosures have had such terrible unintended consequences. Everywhere should be open tomorrow.“

 “Using the province’s own statistics, the risk of death under 65 in this province is 1 in 300,000. You’ve got to get a grip on this. The scale of the response that you’re undertaking with no evidence for it is utterly ridiculous.”

Doctor Roger Hodkinson.

                   Dr Simon Thornley a Public Health Physician, lecturer and researcher in the section of Epidemiology and Biostatistics states that covid is not much more serious than flu. He quotes the Ioannidis study done at Stanford university which states the same. He is also supported by

    “The Ioannidis study shows the death rate (for COVID-19) is only very marginally worse than the standard flu viruses that kill hundreds of sick and elderly New Zealanders every year.”

Simon Thornley, senior lecturer in epidemiology, University of Auckland. September 6, 2020. He is part of COVID Plan B, a group of six academics including three health science lecturers. The group has called for an end to COVID-19 lockdowns, arguing the risks of the virus have been overstated and lockdowns are more harmful than the virus itself.

To be continued...

Friday, 28 May 2021

Princess Diana BBC interview fraud


The Deceitful behaviour of the BBC exposed


As Catholics we know all about the deceitful behaviour of the BBC and its reporters. The Corporation just does not want a morally conservative organisation like the Catholic Church to thrive. We have been down this route many times when the BBC has employed its malicious practice against us. The BBC knows its power, for when they do a hit job on the Catholic Church it’s the ordinary Catholic in the pews or should I say work place and in society that suffers by having to answer to his workmates for what they have seen on the Telly the night before, and when the BBC does something on the Church its never complimentary. Take "Sex and the Holy City" and “Can Condoms Kill?" in the early 2000s. This blamed the African AIDS crisis on Church teaching; the fact is that the programmes were being run by homosexuals who really wanted to change the Church’s teaching on contraception so therefore sex could be divorced from procreation was the real reason.


Now a six-month independent inquiry conducted by Lord Dyson found that reporter Martin Bashir had used fraudulent means to get an interview with Princess Diana and the BBC did not scrutinise what he was doing. In fact when they found that Bashir was lying they covered it all up. Bashir and the BBC's graphics department had forged bank statements in order to get access to what the BBC hoped at the time would be a devastating interview with Princess Diana; however, was the real aim of the leftish BBC the Royal Family? These false statements showed that security services were paying senior courtiers to inform on Diana. They were shown to her brother Earl Spencer who convinced Diana to do the interview.


It’s what the BBC do!

It’s what the BBC do: destroy everything that is good and natural, the family, the Church, the Royal family, and ultimately this will and is leading to the deconstruction of civil society and replacing it with a Woke dysfunctional dystopia where civilisation is turned on its head.

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Oscars flop

 Oscars flop

Hollywood is destroying itself

At a time when Hollywood should be supplying good wholesome family entertainment, it has chosen to become a far left art house film club, therefore, making films that only appeal to a small minority of left/liberal elites. Perhaps they think they can hide under the umbrella of the occasional blockbuster to keep up interest in films and fund what they really want to do such as depressing art house films like Nomadland?  This film won best director and film - a film that no one wants to watch and is virtually unwatchable, more like a politically correct documentary than a film.

A Woke in Hollywood

The Oscars 2021 received the lowest audience in their history dropping 58% from last year, which was down too on the year before and at a time when most people were in lockdown.

The Oscars were just a stage for the preachers of politically correct left/liberal millionaire hypocrites virtue signalling "look what a great person I am". However, as we know at CUT the media and especially Hollywood and secular TV are the enemies of Christ, it's just that now at last a wider audience are finding out.

Sunday, 25 April 2021

You Tube censors?


What happens when You Tube starts to censor a channel

Many Conservative You Tube channels have complained that they seem to get censored for what ever reason, or no reason at all. They complain that they haven't actually done anything, - for example, talk about LGBT issues in a morally conservative light. They just see that their channel has suddenly dropped off in viewers; even popular past posts suddenly plummet in viewers. This happened to my channel last week, whereas up until last week I was getting a total of over a thousand views per week and now it’s less than a hundred, barring my latest post which has been plugged by emails.

So what's happened and why, it's hard to say but I have a hunch that it's our Traditional Catholic video magazine "Christendom Rising"; not that it has anything particularly controversial, it just shows and discusses large Traditional Catholic Families, and explores why the young are attracted to Traditional moral values (without knocking any modern trend) and the Traditional Latin Mass. However, it looks as if that was enough for them to change the algorithm on my channel and therefore make it difficult for people to find it. Please see the view graph of my various posts, all drastically down this week compared to the previous weeks.

The orange line is Christendom Rising, see what has happened after a day or two of it being posted, and now its only being sustained a little by people passing on email links.

Here is the link to the You Tube video "Christendom Rising"

Friday, 26 March 2021

German church gangsters to try and change Church teaching


Same-Sex Unions endgame is now upon

the Church

A Same-Sex Image from Limburg diocese, Germany, Website

We are now in a desperate situation, bishops and priests throughout the world and especially in Germany and Austria are dissenting from Church teachings on homosexuality in a big way. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has responded to a question "Does the Church have the power to give a blessing to unions of persons of the same sex?". It replied in the Negative. The CDF noted that marriage between a man and a woman is a sacrament and therefore blessings cannot be extended to same-sex couples. "For this reason, it is not licit to impart a blessing on relationships, or partnerships, even stable, that involve sexual activity outside of marriage (i.e., outside the indissoluble union of a man and a woman open in itself to the transmission of life), as is the case of the unions between persons of the same sex,"

            Now it is only true and right for the Church to say this, and why it needed to state this again after all the documents released on this subject, along with the Church’s long history of teachings and Sacred Scripture itself shows us that the nefarious left/liberals are on the rise. Therefore enormous pressure is being put on the Church to change her teachings, even more now after the CDF response than before; it is almost as if it has become a catalyst for the same-sex unions endgame and the Church may lose her way here if she's not careful.

            Bishops and hundreds of noisy priests are expressing their anger at the Vatican and are saying they will do the blessings anyway. Will they be censured for their dissent? - no, I very much doubt it! They will get away with it even more because the secular media will back them up and people will be influenced to express their dissent as well. Celebrities like Elton John (the anti-saints of our day) have joined in this demonic cacophony of hate towards truth and decency and the Church will not know what to do.

            The German bishops are once again leading the way of dissent and have made it clear that they will do what they want, using the so called "Synodal Way" in a fraudulent fashion to do this. Over a third of German Catholics say they will leave the Church - not because of their Church not being liberal enough but because of the clerical child abuse. And as we know over 80% of child abuse by clergy is of a homosexual nature. It is exasperating that the very group, community, or whatever you want to call them, Gay, Homosexual, LGBT, carry out most of the abuse and yet these are the people the Church is trying to appease - and it's all because they have the secular media in their pocket.

Evil advances when good men do nothing. So what can be done?  We must do what we can and hope that others do the same.


            We therefore call a prayer Crusade to help protect Holy Mother Church from bad bishops, priests, and laity who want to change the Church's teaching on Same-Sex Unions and homosexuality.


Please write a letter to Pope Francis in support of the CDF statement on same-sex unions - copy in the CDF and the president of the German bishops’ conference, Limburg Bishop George Batzing. Be respectful but unwavering in your support of the Church and Bible teachings on homosexuality.  Addresses:

·         His Holiness Pope Francis, 001200 Vatican City

·         Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, Prefect of the Congregation for the doctrine of the Faith, Palace of the Holy Office, Rome, Italy.

·         Limburg Bishop George Batzing, Roßmarkt 4, 65549 Limburg, Germany