Saturday, 30 May 2015

The brainwashed celebrate

Western Civilisation - A Tipping Point?

The brainwashed celebrate
outside Dublin Castle

History shows us that civilisations come and go, but there has always been one great religion that has continued to grow, Christianity. There have been many empires that have waned and disappeared; it is clear why this has happened, - they became corrupt and decadent, weakened by their own depravity they used brutality to sustain the dying embers of their potency. Up until now western culture based on Christendom has dominated the world; all the great inventions have come from her, for example the car, the aeroplane, electricity, the radio, computers, modern healthcare etc. etc. have all been born out of Christendom. Note we are not saying that Europeans are a superior race; not at all, it's just that by divine providence we have had a superior religion, Christianity, of which Catholicism is its fullest form. But are things about to change?

With the Irish Referendum going overwhelmingly in favour of same-sex marriage (the first time in the world that the people themselves have voted this way), and the continued discrimination against Christian values in the Law-courts, witness the Ashers Bakery case in Northern Ireland. Then we have the continued growth of Islam in the West. It seems a very dire situation, the final throes of Christendom being crushed between militant secularism and ruthless Islam. The one true Church, the Catholic Church, seems unable to respond; it's almost as if we are the empire about to fall. However, there have been many times in the Church’s 2000 year history that all seemed lost, and yet the Church has always survived and even thrived. It has always done this by reaffirming its fidelity to orthodoxy.
The Holy Spirit will not let us down.


  1. For too long there has been an unhealthy compromise between the Church and state. You only have to look back at the way Tony Blair was welcomed into the Church along with the manner in which many politicians and celebrities (often pro gay and pro abortion) are given red carpet treatment and featured in the Catholic Press to see that it was in fact long ago that we lost the courage to confront what was evil.
    The Catholic young people have lost their identity as they have been allowed to take on board all of the worldly values around them and believe that persecution is something only gay people suffer. Having never lived the Gospel or fought for what is right they have never experienced it.
    Those of us who have been speaking up for the truth have been left to suffer our persecution while the Sunday Catholics have been working in their well paid government jobs and sending their kids off to be brainwashed.
    Yes we will all suffer because of this, but the good news is that people will have to make a choice, there will be no room for the kind of double dealing that we have been seeing.

    1. Yes you are right it's those of us who stand up the Catholic teaching who are attacked and disparaged, I know this I have experienced it. But we know we are telling the truth. We must never never give up, it is the job of every Catholic from the time of Christ until the end of the world to fight for the truth. As the hate of militant secularist gets ever stronger we must return their hate with the love of Christ - the only way to do this is to be faithful to the teachings of Christ and His Church.

      Prayer Crusader with St Philomena

  2. "There's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend"

    1. Yes if you are a Catholic "You gotta save someone"

  3. “Christendom has had a series of revolutions and in each one of them Christianity has died. Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave.”
    ― G.K. Chesterton, The Everlasting Man

  4. This same sex marriage will all prove to create havoc with existing laws. Also as the majority of homosexuals are promiscuous , this travesty of marriage will not create what this lobby hope for stable relationships. Instead in a few years homosexuals will attack the same sex marriage they fought for. They will start to say it attacks their freedom! Give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves.RIGBY
