Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Netflix, Cuties and child abuse


Surely this is very wrong, Netflix?

Netflix continue in their corrupting ways with their latest TV film Cuties in which young girls aged 11 to 13 talk about sex and dance in aggressive and suggestive ways, just like the major women pop stars of today. This has sparked fierce debate on social media and in the press, which of course the liberals claim is all hearsay rather than reasoned arguments - however we are not going to watch this at CUT but if a young girl talks about sex and dances provocatively then it is not all hearsay and if critics call the programme a "provocative powder-keg" then we rest our case! This is child abuse.

Please see an article in the Catholic Herald by clicking on this link https://catholicherald.co.uk/ch/cuties-and-the-culture-wars/