Re: BBC Woman's Hour – irresponsible
support for pro-abortion activists in Poland
On 9th May, Woman's Hour included a 10-minute
discussion about the availability of abortion in Poland, and in particular
about attempts to make it more readily available by distributing the abortion
pill, RU 486, via a drone which was launched in Germany and crossed the border
into Polish air space. This action was taken by “Women on Waves”, an organisation
which has previously provided abortions to women from countries where abortion
is legally restricted, by taking the women to a boat in international waters
and performing the abortions there. A “Women on Waves” representative was one
of the two interviewees taking part in the Woman's Hour discussion; the other
was a “pro-choice” (i.e. pro-abortion) woman from Poland.
Link to the discussion:
RU 486 is not the “morning after pill” which prevents a
pregnancy from being established, but a succession of two doses of hormonal
medication designed to be taken during the early stages of pregnancy. The first
dose disrupts the nourishment provided by the mother's body to the foetus, so
that the foetus dies. The second dose, taken a few days later, causes
birth-type contractions of the uterus so that the dead foetus is expelled. This
is called a “medical abortion” and is intended to be used only in the early
stages of pregnancy, the “first trimester”, from conception to about 3 months
(12 weeks). In later stages of pregnancy, abortion is carried out by surgery
(“surgical abortion”).
Listening to this programme (not as it was broadcast, but a
few days later) I became concerned about three issues.
Firstly, accuracy.
One of the interviewees stated that a “medical abortion” is
no more dangerous than a spontaneous miscarriage, at least in women who are 4
to 10 weeks pregnant. This assertion was not challenged by the interviewer.
However, the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
(January 2015) has reported on a study carried out over 12 months between 2013
and 2014 on a group of women in India who had self-medicated with RU 486
(available to them over the counter) without medical oversight. Nearly
three-quarters of the group had taken the pill before 63 days (9 weeks) of
pregnancy; nevertheless, there was a high proportion of complications, and more
than 50% of the group had required post-treatment surgery, in some cases
including treatment for sepsis, and in some cases requiring blood transfusions.
The researchers concluded that “unsupervised medical abortion can lead to
increased maternal morbidity and mortality. Strict legislation is required to
monitor and also restrict the sales of abortion pills over the counter”.
Wikipedia quotes a scholarly article “Diagnosis and
management of miscarriage” from The Practitioner of May 2014, which
states that most miscarriages will complete without additional interventions.
So medical abortions clearly are far more dangerous than spontaneous
Secondly, social responsibility. There seemed to be implicit
approval by the BBC's interviewer of the action of the “Women on Waves” in
sending the drone into Poland, although this action apparently distributed
potentially dangerous medication with no safeguards whatsoever. High doses of
hormones in pill form were dropped randomly with no guarantee that they would
not be picked up by children, or would not be used by women into the second or
even third trimester of pregnancy, when complications would be more likely and
more serious. Nor was there any attempt to warn women of possible adverse
effects of using the medication. In the UK, medical abortion is provided only
under the guidance of a doctor, and the abortion itself is medically supervised
so that any complications can be immediately diagnosed and treated. Does the BBC think that UK legislation is
unnecessarily protective of women, I wonder?
Thirdly, bias. Two women were interviewed, both “pro-choice”,
and their underlying assumptions were not challenged by the interviewer, still
less by any pro-life interviewee who would surely not have been hard to find.
The BBC's charter requires that programmes should demonstrate a balance between
opposing points of view in contentious cases such as this one. What is the
point of having a charter if its requirements are ignored? I have had occasion
to write to the BBC before on “life” issues, specifically about its
documentaries relating to assisted suicide, in which a similar bias was
shown, running completely counter to its
By the Prayer Crusader under the patronage of St. Teresa of
CUT - Please let them know what you think, BBC complaints
Postal address:
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