Friday, 26 June 2015

An Investment opportunity for "Assisted Dying" enterprise


The Investor’s Prospectus
There is an enormous opportunity now for investors and entrepreneurs if the “Assisted Dying” Bill is successful.

When one considers how small the basic investment is and the eventual return on the investment it makes the dot com boom of the 1990s seem small beer. For a few pounds worth of barbiturates and basic premises in an out of town venue one can charge thousands .The Swiss pioneers knew what they were doing. The only real costs will be promotion and PR but even accounting for a basic cost of a few hundred per patient that is still making a handsome profit. Even though there may be a need to have “High St.” premises for promotional purposes the actual operational facilities can be in locations that are far more cost effective, like industrial estates. Much of the promotion and arrangements can be done on line which will make inherent savings in costs. One will also use a great deal of the Social media. There also will be government grant facilities in places like Wales, Scotland and the North of England, allowing for rent free facilities. One can also not only look at the franchising opportunities but co-ordinate profitable connections to Undertaking chains and Crematoria. In so many words a complete package deal for clients and families. Any investor would see a very early return on capital invested with good long term prospects.

What also establishes high charges and fights off any cut price competition is the fact that it is basically a medical procedure.  We have the whole force of the medical profession to ensure high costs for the clients and to safeguard everyone’s interests. We can introduce the legal profession into our operation to maximise profits.   Being an emotionally sensitive procedure, pricing can reflect this with both the clients and their relations willingly paying premium fees.

We need to push this Bill through Parliament. It will be relatively easy to combat the religious objectors once we get some Anglican bishops on our side.  With good PR and strong media participation any other objecting groups can be isolated and made to look like oddballs. But we will need investment in lobbying all the relevant MPs and government ministers, together with getting Brussels on our side. We already have a good array of celebrities which is a tremendous help. But we need the laws on advertising altered so that we can get our message across. It will probably take about 12 months and then it is profits all the way. Many of the MPs and Ministers can be given sinecure directorships in this company.  That is always a great incentive to get a bill through, plus gifts of cut price share options. We will also gain government support via the Treasury who will see it as a means to cut costs not only in the NHS, but in the Welfare sectors and pensions too. The present “Black Hole “ in the future pensions deficit weighs heavily on treasury officials and the solution we offer will be  greeted with approval .

We have a large and expanding client base with our present ageing society that can benefit from our services. Initially it will be limited to the chronically ill, but as time goes on many more conditions will allow these procedures to take place. This in turn will lead to greater profits as our operations increase. We cannot allow those with unprogressive dinosaur ideologies and “religious miscreants” to affect any of the proposed legislation which can make this wonderful potential investment  rewarding for all those with the courage to invest in it. We must do all we can to push the “Assisted Dying” Bill and its investment potential. Remember the size of the operation can become a first for the UK, with potential to franchise worldwide.

It is envisaged that within 12 months there will be a need to float on the Stock exchange and a large consortium will need to be formed. Planning permission will have to be sorted out early and building companies involved with converting existing industrial premises to “End  of Life” facilities. Then it’s profits all the way.  DON’T MISS THIS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY.
By Rigby

Thursday, 18 June 2015

The sex-change environment

Pollution the Environment and the Sex-change Epidemic

Pollution and the environment are in the mind of the Church today with the pope's new encyclical, so I thought I'd add my 300 words-worth.

However, mine is more to do with the type of pollution that causes sex-change particularly in males. For example there are alarming reports that because of pollution around Britain's coast, clams are changing sex, in fact male clams are becoming female not the other way around. This is causing an environmental catastrophe and is damaging the food chain. Ever wonder why seagulls are getting so aggressive - they're starving. The problem is being caused by industrial hormone-mimicking chemicals, agricultural chemicals, pesticides and oestrogen that are being brought down our rivers and are now polluting our seas!
Call me Bruce

There is another form of environmental pollution, that of the mind, caused by the secular media that promotes anything gender-bending. Perhaps closely linked to chemical pollutants by satanic synergy  we have a 'sex-change' epidemic in humans as well. Take for example Bruce Jenner who now wishes to be called Caitlyn Jenner after very expensive sex-change treatment, after all he is a millionaire ex-Olympic champion athlete, but with so many people unable to pay for life-saving treatment in the States and elsewhere this whole thing is disgusting in more ways than one. However, when all is said and done he is still a man who has fathered 6 children by 3 women. Jenner is also a Christian and a conservative Republican. You can't make this stuff up!

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Ireland is now the flagship, the standard bearer for homosexuality

A Catastrophe For Ireland
The referendum to legalise homosexual marriage has passed.  What a catastrophe. Ireland is now the flagship, the standard bearer for homosexuality throughout the whole world, the homosexual capital of the whole world. How did it come to this? People fell for the web of lies and deceit spun from all quarters, the media, politicians, celebrities, international homosexual rights groups, many funded by philanthropic American billionaires.

             As the results were coming in the homosexuals and their followers were already celebrating and dancing on the corpse of the Catholic Church. The Church’s sway and hold over the people was finally over. One government minister got one thing right when he was being interviewed when he stated that the citizens hadn’t turned into homosexual supporters on referendum day but that the referendum was just reflecting a change that had taken place a long time ago. The liberal lobby had been working on the people over a long time through the media and other means. The people, like the frog, were put into warm water and the heat slowly and very calculatedly gradually turned up and the people happily boiled to death. It was a long relentless indoctrination of the people.  

              Where were the shepherds, is the implied question of some Catholic commentators. One points to three key points where the church embarked on the point of death (Rev 3:1-2). The findings of the Apostolic visitation that was sent to Ireland by Pope Benedict XVI, after the abuse scandals, were not put into action. He states that they were even resisted by Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin. The Apostolic visitation report stated that there was wide spread dissent from the magisterium of the Church among the clergy and added ‘dissent from the fundamental teachings of the Church is not the authentic path to renewal’. It made recommendations regarding the formation of seminarians. It’s now happening that seminarians are being asked to leave the seminary because their views are too conservative. Pope Benedict himself in a letter to the Irish people asked for Eucharistic adoration to be carried out. This didn’t appear to happen in any meaningful way.

              The Enda Kenny abortion legislation was highlighted as a second key point, when Catholic politicians were allowed to receive communion even though they voted in favour of abortion legislation, in contravention of code of canon law , clause 915, which states ‘anyone who supports abortion legislation is automatically excommunicated’.  The Taoiseach Enda Kenny has received communion in the presence of three bishops in 2013 and nothing was done. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin refers to him as our Catholic prime minister and he continues to receive communion.  The commentator, Deacon Nick Donnelly, goes on to state that if politicians, hospitals (referring to the Mater Catholic hospital  with Catholic religious on the board complying with government abortion laws) and bishops can break Church teaching on abortion then it mistakenly appears that any of the Church’s moral laws on marriage and sexuality can be ignored without consequence.

           There are other reasons too, I think Ireland’s citizens’ being coerced into voting for the acceptance of the Lisbon treaty which was rejected the first time by the people. Then the government’s running the referendum again saying Ireland would lose business and jobs if we were not part of Europe, drove them into voting for the acceptance of the Lisbon treaty, thereby weakening Ireland’s resistance to Europe interfering with our laws. The Court of Human Rights took primacy over Irish laws.

                 There were Catholic priests cheering in the crowd when the official results were announced in Dublin. I’ve heard this from yes voters but it’s quite possible. There have been high profile Catholic religious and priests who have called for a yes vote. The Vatican has called the referendum vote a defeat for humanity. And so it is. When this statement was put to the Bishop of Killaloe Willie Walsh by RTE’s Joe Duffy, Bishop Willie Walsh stated that when he saw all those happy faces celebrating in Dublin Castle he thought it was a joyful day for Ireland.

             Another little and underestimated factor in the outcome is the wording of the referendum. Studies by psychologists etc. have shown how the wording of a referendum makes a difference. They have seen that people like to say yes. People want to be positive. People don’t want to be ‘no people’, to be negative. This has a not insignificant effect on how people vote. For instance if the wording of the referendum had been ‘do you wish marriage to remain as it is stated in the constitution, between one man and one woman?’ the outcome would have been very different. But the cunning politicians, aware of this effect on the voter, had it worded: ‘Do you wish that persons regardless of their gender be able to marry each other’, to get maximum advantage.  Another reason possibly for the passing of the referendum; me, what did I do to defend marriage. Little, to be honest; I assumed that others would do it. And many did, heroically, but maybe not enough.

              Yes, Ireland has changed, it’s a different ball game now. Ireland is no longer the Catholic country it once was. Yes, there are still Catholics in Ireland.  737,300 people voted against the amendment. But Catholicism as a driving force that influences economic and legal and social structures is questioned and by many just not accepted. In many instances, it is opposed simply because it is Catholic. In many ways it is now like England where it’s a secular state and you can’t assume that the person next to you in the work place or bus or wherever is Catholic.  When you think about it, 1,229,000 have voted to have mortal sin sanctioned by the constitution.  I was at a talk just before the referendum vote by a Catholic Dutch Professor in psychology, Dr Aardweg, who has 50 years experience in counselling homosexuals. He stated that if the referendum were to pass, watch the mask slip. They won’t be the nice people coming across with platitudes. They would take a militant aggressive form. And indeed they have. As the results were being counted, news came in that a printing company in Drogheda was being taken to court. Two people have sought to take legal action to challenge the referendum results but they have been refused a legal challenge. On the first day back in the Dail there was a push by the liberals to remove the 8th Amendment, which offers protection to the unborn. The liberals were gloating over the results, making comments like: The gay economy amounts to 230 billion dollars annually and Ireland will get a great whack of that as gays will feel welcome here. We are back it seems to the days similar to those of the deluge when God told Noah to build the Ark; or the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, when God destroyed these cities for their abominations.  

             But all is not lost, the teachings of the Catholic Church have not changed. The Lord can draw good out of evil. The Church may be leaner but it can be more virile; the Lord is doing some pruning. Painful it may be, but best for the Church. The Church will grow again with the help of God’s grace. It may never be the dominant force it once was, or not for a long time anyway. But that shouldn’t be the objective just now but just to be faithful to the Lord here and now and let the Lord do the building. As the Lord says to the church in Sardis that was at the point of death; ‘yet you still have a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy. He who conquers shall be clad in white garments, and I will not blot his name out of the book of life; I will confess his name before my father and before his angels. He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches’. (Rev3 :4-6).

                And he who sat upon the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’ (Rev 21;5)
                                        God bless
Prayer Crusader - St Rita