Watch Before the Blessed Sacrament
3rd Weekend of Advent
CUT and the Crusade of Prayer’s annual National/International watch before the Blessed Sacrament on the 3rd weekend of Advent.
This watch can take place at any time during the weekend, it can involve your church in a special vigil, or just yourself before or after Mass we suggest it should last at least a quarter of an hour.
This year please pray for Pope Francis, and that the secular Media will not influence him.
Also pray for the conversion of your adopted celebrity
There are many watches taking place in several countries, please join us in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament either in the Monstrance or the Tabernacle.
Please also remember in your spiritual combat:
The young men who protect an Argentinean Cathedral
Also please remember the pope’s native Argentine where Satan appears to be conducting his latest attacks on the Church. Perhaps say Rosary during your watch for these young men and their deluded attackers.
This link is to a shocking video of pro-abortionist, pro-homosexuals and prostitutes who have laid siege to the Cathedral of San Juan. The Cathedral is being protected by a ring of young men who are praying the Rosary while being subjected to attacks from this demonic mob who also perform sex-acts in front of them.
WARNING this video is contains nudity and vile displays. Why is there not a media outrage? It is because the media is on the side of these demoniacs.
EU Draft Resolution on Sex Education
Also please consider singing this petition against the EU’s Draft Resolution that promotes sexual education to 4 year old children and abortion as a means of birth control. Stop It! sign here