Huge pay-offs for bosses are wrecking confidence in the BBC, says Cameron
- Annual accounts released yesterday reveal the corporation handed its top directors £4.1million in 12 months
- Cost of the executive board rose by 63 per cent, boosted by golden goodbyes of nearly £1.5million
By Alasdair Glennie and Paul Bentley
PUBLISHED: 02:06, 17 July 2013 | UPDATED: 08:35, 17 July 2013
Huge pay-offs to senior bosses have jeopardised public support for the BBC, David Cameron warned last night.
Annual accounts released yesterday reveal the corporation handed its top directors £4.1million in 12 months. The cost of the executive board rose by 63 per cent, boosted by golden goodbyes of nearly £1.5million.
CUT – Are we missing something here? Shouldn’t the pay-outs be going to the children damaged and abused by BBC employees instead lacklustre but well paid managers and others at the BBC who failed to put into operation an effective Safeguarding structure for children who were on BBC premises? One good thing about the pay-offs though, this money is not being used to make dreadful pro-abortion, pro-homosexual and anti-Catholic programmes.
BBC ‘put public trust at risk’ with size of redundancy payouts to top execs
Gavriel Hollandar Press Gazette 01/07/2013
The BBC's redundancy payouts have been called "deeply worrying" after a Government watchdog found it spent £25 million on handouts to senior managers over the last three years.
CUT – It’s the sheer scale of the money being paid out to the top BBC executives that is exasperating. That these people who have managed the de-Christianization of Britain along with the promotion of every vice under the sun should get such enormous amounts of money is truly galling. So we suppose they will take their money bags and go and sit by their pools; at least they can’t do any further damage there. But don’t expect the new crop of managers at the BBC to be any better.
Savile fallout has damaged trust in BBC, Patten admits
Ben Webster Media Editor
Published at 12:01AM, July 17 2013
Public confidence in the quality and independence of BBC journalism has fallen to its lowest level for seven years after the Jimmy Savile scandal, according to a BBC Trust survey. Read more:CUT – The Savile case has just confirmed for many Catholics the corrupt state of the BBC. The size of the pay-offs to the managers is just another manifestation of this appalling situation.
The pay-offs must end
The Daily Telegraph 3 April 2013
The BBC should not dole out large sums that apparently reward both success and failure. Lord Hall of Birkenhead has made a good start in his new role as director-general of the BBC by criticising the culture of pay-offs. The generosity that the BBC shows with licence fee payers’ money is astonishing. Lord Hall’s predecessor, George Entwistle, walked away with £450,000 after just 54 days on the job, and Caroline Thomson, the former chief operating officer, received £670,000 when she stepped down in 2012. Incredibly, there has been speculation that Mrs Thomson’s sum was “compensation” for failing to get a promotion. Read more
CUT – Does anyone know when Caroline Thomson got her £670,000 pay-off? Was it before she blew the lid off the sexual gymnastics going on at the Beeb or was it after?
The BBC is not alone in losing public trust
Peter Kellner The Guardian 13 November 2013
While the BBC's reputation has tumbled after recent scandals, the problem of trust in our institutions extends far wider. On public trust, the BBC still beats ITV and journalists on upmarket papers narrowly – and party politicians and officials in Whitehall by a mile. Read more
CUT – This was published soon after the Jimmy Savile and other scandals were discovered.... well, the Guardian does get a lot of its revenue from the BBC. They are right, though; we would add the Guardian to the list of media outlets with poor public trust. However, perhaps the Guardian is right and the whole of secular broadcast TV is rotten to the core, - see below:
Why Channel 4's plan to air the daily Muslim call to prayer during Ramadan is a divisive and cynical stunt
By A. N. Wilson
PUBLISHED: 23:19, 2 July 2013 | UPDATED: 11:50, 3 July 2013
Channel 4 is well known for gimmickry. Its latest trick is to have a month-long daily broadcast of the Muslim call to prayer.
Does this cheer you up? Does it make you think what a happy, tolerant, multi-cultural society Britain has become? Or does Channel 4’s move nauseate you, as it does me? Does it make you think that new depths of bad taste have been plumbed? Read more
Channel 4 to 'provoke' viewers who associate Islam with terrorism with live call to prayer during Ramadan
CUT - Channel 4 being provocative and using religion to do so, is simply wrong. Channel 4 are a sub-set of the BBC mentality, at one moment using porn to gain publicity, the next bashing Catholics, then broadcasting the Muslim call to prayer.