The Magisterium of the
They're not on the side of Christianity
As we have studied the media over the past twenty years, it has become even more evident that the media controls society and the churches. The Main Stream Media tells us what we can say, do, and think or believe. In addition, traditional Christian and especially Catholic teachings are vilified. We are not allowed to teach or believe the time-honoured moral teachings of the Church, for they are considered hateful. The media at virtually all levels and genres are totally in sync; there are core beliefs one cannot cross or express views contrary to. These core beliefs of the secular media go against moral theology, that abortion is health care and a woman's right to choose; homosexuality is a lifestyle choice and must have the same moral standing as any other people in society. Feminism is a modern virtue for a woman. However, the whole gender issue and its impact on women's sports that is putting young girls off sports is the girls' fault and not the men in their space. Women's toilets and changing rooms are no longer for just biological females, and we are told that it is hateful to exclude biological men.
The Catholic Church has been targeted like no other by those who run and operate in the media; they are relentless, and they double down on their core values. To oppose these views is a modern hate-filled heresy. Is this why we have so many Woke bishops and even a Woke Pope? The MSM elected them? Who is responsible for Fiducia Supplicans? Well, yes, this pope and his Prefect of the CDF (We've come a long way from Pope John-Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger); however, who made it possible? I'm not letting Francis off the hook; he and his sidekick should not have been so spineless in the face of mass media opposition and the German Church.
Nevertheless, although many faithful Catholics are
hurting and disturbed by these recent events, they try not to be and stay in
the Church. I'm hearing of people leaving for the Eastern Orthodox; however,
they have many problems. They may be united against Same-sex blessings (and
indeed, this has ruined Francis' wish for unity with them), but that's about
all they are united about.
African bishops are making a stand against Fiducia Supplicans consider
writing a letter of support to their bishop's conference; you can bet the
extremely active alphabet lobby people will be sending loads of hate letters to
them, and the media are already attacking the Africans, doubling down on
supporting Same-Sex everything.
Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu
Show your
support to the African bishops:
Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu
Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Congo
Cathedral of Our Lady of the
Kinshasa, KINSHASA, Congo-Kinshasa
Prayer Crusader St Philomena