has Fallen
Woke Pope goes for Broke.
As this is our Christmas Post, I was hoping to write something on the media and Christianity at this festive time. The media has celebrated a Christian festival for at least over a month. It's been everywhere: on the TV, on the radio, in the shops, and in schools. Alright, but I hear you say this is mostly the secular side of Christmas; however, it is all underpinned by the birth of Jesus Christ, God-made-man, and people know it.
However, on the eighteenth of December, the Prefect for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith released the declaration Fiduca supplicans allowing the blessing of couples in an irregular situation and couples of the same sex. Although it purports not to change any doctrines, it actually does. Many clergy on the left, for example, Fr James Martin, say that, in effect, it is a game changer. For it explicitly allows the blessing, not of individuals but of couples, together, of the same sex, who are in a relationship! It comes with forty-odd pages of notes that state that these blessings are not marriages, liturgical, etc., etc., blah bla bla. The usual worm-tongue speck of this pope.
It appears that from the beginning of Pope Francis' Pontificate, he has been trying to change the church's teaching on all the major moral issues. Particularly on homosexuality, he seems obsessed with it. He has actually failed to do that through the various synods he has called; for example, on the family 2014, it failed to get approval on irregular families, so he turned to young people and had a synod on youth, again, was unable to get young Catholics to endorse homosexuality. The Synod on Synodality just passed, even failed to do it when it seemed loaded in that direction. It seems the Africans, Eastern Europeans, and Asians resisted the woke mob, led by the Cardinal Tobin and Cupich and the likes of Fr James Martin, the fanatical Gay everything priest. Fr. Martin was quick off the mark and has already committed to a same-sex blessing. So, having failed to get this through the Synod, Francis did it anyway. It's as if the Catholic Church is now run by a gangster junta in the Vatican led by a banana republic styled dictator!
Fr James Martin gives a blessing to a same-sex couple.It is indeed a wicked act to drop this on the faithful the week before Christmas; I am seeing so much hurt and upset on faithful Catholic social media sites. The hurt being expressed by faithful Catholics is palpable, as is the gloating of the mainstream media, The BBC, CNN, The New York Times, The Guardian (although Fiduca supplicans does not go far enough for this hideous destroyers of civilization).
So the Vatican is changing church practice but claiming that they are not changing doctrine, which is hypocritical. "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness" (Isaiah 5:20).
It is an arrogant act indeed to allow these blessings. This has not happened in the history of the Church; what makes Bergoglio think that he knows better than the saints, the teachings of the Church, Sacred Scripture, and Jesus Christ? At the very least, there is utter confusion, and who is the author of chaos, Satan!
Although this is sad new indeed to end the year, remember that God came into the world and became man to save humanity from sin. Therefore, being loyal to the historic teaching of the Church that stream back to Jesus and remaining in the Catholic Church no matter what will save us. So despite the bad news I wish you a merry Christmas and a Woke free New Year.
Prayer Crusader St Philomena