Friday, 25 November 2022

Attempts to Woke the World

The recent failed attempts to Woke the World

Failed Woke Imperialism

The Football World Cup is now underway, amid outcry and controversy. Why you may ask? Is it because FIFA are staging this massive tournament in a country with virtually no history of Football? Perhaps it was the awarding of this tournament there in the first place amid the bribes controversy. No! None of that now matters. What's got the Western press and Western football supporters in a tizzy is the refusal of Qataris to allow Rainbow T shirts and other symbols of the Alphabet people in the their stadiums. Below is the text from a tweet by a Qatari spokesperson.

"As a Qatari I'm proud of what happened. I don't know when will the westerners realize that their values aren't universal. There are other cultures with different values that should be equally respected.

Let's not forget that the West is not the spokesperson for humanity."

Woke conclusions about Colorado Gay nightclub shootings

The Media, especially the liberal world broadcast stations like CNN, were quick to jump to conclusions about who was responsible for the Colorado Gay nightclub shootings: the right wing anti LGBT bigots of course, fuelled by the right wing media, singling out Fox News and its presenter Tucker Carlson. Pundits on MSNBC even went so far as to suggest that Fox News must be stopped and taken down for their criticism of the US military for being too Woke. Just waiting to find out what the actual reason for the attack, was not on the liberal media's agenda, it was just too juicy a story, one they could use to but the verbal boot into moral conservatives.

            However, the evil gunman who went on the rampage was not some right wing red neck anti-Trans extremist but someone who has requested that during his court appearances he must be referred to as non-binary, therefore it seems the gunman is Trans!

            How dare the liberal media cast such aspersions after the tragedy of the shooting at this club, using it to try and shut the morally conservative media up. Just because they support the mutilation of children, and Gay sex-ed to nine year olds, does this mean they can say what they want and silence everyone else?

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Woke at Brighton University


How do we respond to Woke activists?

It is always difficult to respond to the Woke activists, they seem to have all the armour all the words to respond to you, and if you are a Christian who holds that the word of God is as it has been written in Sacred Scripture it makes no difference to them. You can of course always point out the parts of the Bible that condemns these sexual practices or can talk about the teachings of the Church. But to no avail they will just say that's all outdated, that you're hateful, that we need to get into the twenty-first century and that love is love etc. All backed up by the secular media of course so they can't be wrong?

                However, it is always from the world of the LGBT activist that the most compelling arguments against the homosexual lifestyles come, and sometimes one can only feel real sorry for those stuck in this lifestyle, of which only sex seems to matter, where the orgasm has replaced everything and this is all that matters. In this article published, the Catholic Herald "Confessions of an ex-LGBT activist" one gets a sense of the desperation of young people who are caught here. The poor Students of Britain's most Gay University, Brighton for example seem so desperate that they need our prayers. Please click here to read the Catholic Herald's report.

Friday, 4 November 2022

Bishop cancels faithful priest


Bishop cancels his priest for daring to preach Catholic doctrine

The all-pervasive influence of the Media is now seriously affecting the Catholic Church, we can see this with the Synod on Synodality and locally where bishops immediately jump and come down hard on any priest who dares to teach and preach true Catholic doctrine.

The Synod is utterly crazy with everything on the table, same-sex blessing, women priests, same-sex actions, so this is a sort of sex-synod.

Rt Rev. Ray Browne
(Yet another useless Bishop)

Now we have the case of a priest in the once Catholic Ireland being cancelled for simply trying to save souls. The priest concerned is Fr Sean Sheehy at St Mary's Church in Listowel Co. Kerry whose preaching was completely without error; he was trying to save the souls of people who have been engaged in abortion, in same-sex activity and he warned about the dangers of Transgenderism. For this his bishop immediately cancelled him, paying more attention to people on Twitter, the Irish Times and RTE than to Jesus, sacred scripture and the teachings of the Church.  But what did Fr Sheehy say that got him cancelled? Here is a transcript of his sermon from the Catholic Herald:

“What is so sad today is you rarely hear about sin, but it’s rampant. And we see it, for example, in the legislation of our government. We see it in the promotion of abortion. We see it in this lunatic approach of transgenderism. We see it, for example, in the promotion of sex between two men or two women. That is sinful. That is mortal sin. And people don’t seem to realise it. But it’s a fact. And we need to listen to God about it, because if we don’t, then there’s no hope for those people.”

Some of the great unwashed among the congregation (poorly catechised or rather catechised by the secular media rather than Church) walked out of Mass. Therefore, Bishop Ray Browne of Kerry threw him under the bus. Badly done your "Excellency". Why did the bishop not simply stand by his faithful priest and the teachings of the Church? Is it because he is a spineless coward more interested in the easy life than saving the souls of his flock? More prepared to go with the flow? - in another quote from the Catholic Herald "A word of advice to the Catholic hierarchy - if the mainstream media are praising you, you are probably doing it wrong." To read the Catholic Herald's article please click here.