Don’t believe it
The media can’t be trusted. At least, much of it can’t. Many media outlets mislead you about anything and everything in the interests of publicity. They don’t inform, they don’t educate, they just aim to entertain.
The anti-bug media season usually starts with flying ant “invasion” stories in
July, then anti-wasp articles in August. In September we have the “horror” of
craneflies & as we approach October the scary spider stories appear.
The media have found that emotive & scary stories about small animals sell
papers & gain website visits. They are willing to produce stories that
ignore science, evidence & the bigger environmental picture; all to exploit
the fears of individuals.
In reality, we are in the midst of a biodiversity crisis. Insects & other
invertebrates are declining faster than many other types of
wildlife. We need to act now to stop invertebrate declines. However,
the scale & quality of that action is still limited by society’s lack of
understanding & awareness. If society’s attitudes are dominated
by prejudice & ignorance, rather than enlightenment & knowledge, then
we will fail to achieve a happy coexistence with nature.
Don’t trust the media. Do your own research and think for yourself.
By prayer Crusader St Theresa of Avila
Yes chance would be a fine thing! If only the media really educated people but they are always pushing an agenda, mostly trying to promote all things Trans, Gay and corrupt. What about a documentary about swallows and House Martins how they come all the way from Africa to have their young here only to find that we are finding ways of killing off their food - insects!