Friday, 28 May 2021

Princess Diana BBC interview fraud


The Deceitful behaviour of the BBC exposed


As Catholics we know all about the deceitful behaviour of the BBC and its reporters. The Corporation just does not want a morally conservative organisation like the Catholic Church to thrive. We have been down this route many times when the BBC has employed its malicious practice against us. The BBC knows its power, for when they do a hit job on the Catholic Church it’s the ordinary Catholic in the pews or should I say work place and in society that suffers by having to answer to his workmates for what they have seen on the Telly the night before, and when the BBC does something on the Church its never complimentary. Take "Sex and the Holy City" and “Can Condoms Kill?" in the early 2000s. This blamed the African AIDS crisis on Church teaching; the fact is that the programmes were being run by homosexuals who really wanted to change the Church’s teaching on contraception so therefore sex could be divorced from procreation was the real reason.


Now a six-month independent inquiry conducted by Lord Dyson found that reporter Martin Bashir had used fraudulent means to get an interview with Princess Diana and the BBC did not scrutinise what he was doing. In fact when they found that Bashir was lying they covered it all up. Bashir and the BBC's graphics department had forged bank statements in order to get access to what the BBC hoped at the time would be a devastating interview with Princess Diana; however, was the real aim of the leftish BBC the Royal Family? These false statements showed that security services were paying senior courtiers to inform on Diana. They were shown to her brother Earl Spencer who convinced Diana to do the interview.


It’s what the BBC do!

It’s what the BBC do: destroy everything that is good and natural, the family, the Church, the Royal family, and ultimately this will and is leading to the deconstruction of civil society and replacing it with a Woke dysfunctional dystopia where civilisation is turned on its head.

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Oscars flop

 Oscars flop

Hollywood is destroying itself

At a time when Hollywood should be supplying good wholesome family entertainment, it has chosen to become a far left art house film club, therefore, making films that only appeal to a small minority of left/liberal elites. Perhaps they think they can hide under the umbrella of the occasional blockbuster to keep up interest in films and fund what they really want to do such as depressing art house films like Nomadland?  This film won best director and film - a film that no one wants to watch and is virtually unwatchable, more like a politically correct documentary than a film.

A Woke in Hollywood

The Oscars 2021 received the lowest audience in their history dropping 58% from last year, which was down too on the year before and at a time when most people were in lockdown.

The Oscars were just a stage for the preachers of politically correct left/liberal millionaire hypocrites virtue signalling "look what a great person I am". However, as we know at CUT the media and especially Hollywood and secular TV are the enemies of Christ, it's just that now at last a wider audience are finding out.