Sunday, 28 February 2021

Defund Amazon

 Amazon's great gift to China


Amazon, the e-shopping giant, has been a great boon to the Chinese; no worries about sweat-shops, child labour and China's human rights issues here. For as President Biden has recently said when questioned about the concentration camps and the crack downs on Christian minorities and others "It's all down to cultural differences". Well that's alright then! The imprisonment and murder of dissidents is just a cultural thing and we shouldn’t really be worried about it. So it’s ok to go on buying everything from China, no matter their human rights issues and extremely bad treatment of animals and the environment. Not surprising that this worldwide pandemic Coronavirus, or Chinese flu as some people call it, started in China.

            Amazon, although it has been a favourite for the Chinese to sell their goods to the rest of the world, are unable to sell in China itself. The Chinese prefer their own e-commerce companies - expect them to start selling in the West soon too?

            Amazon who recently deplatformed Parler (the free speech micro-blogger) because those with conservative moral views etc., were fleeing to it in the wake of so many being deplatformed by twitter, and twitter and the other Big tech companies do not want conservative alternatives, therefore under the guise of stopping hate speech they got rid of Trump and others who then went to Parler and hundreds of thousands followed him.

            Amazon are the sellers of Chinese goods. You can't find much, particularly in the electronic field, that's not been made in China; no wonder President Trump tried so hard to restrict China. Biden and his son Hunter have received billions from China for easing their way into the USA markets over the years. We know in this time of the Corona virus people are staying at home and shopping on the internet more, however perhaps people should give e-bay a go, you can find plenty of British, European and American manufactured goods at very reasonable prices there.

Friday, 19 February 2021

OAPs refuse TV licence fee


Almost a Million Old Age Pensioners refuse to pay the TV Licence.

It has sometimes been said that during any contemporary argument about politics or cultural issues the dispute descends downwards in ever decreasing circles until one side calls the other a bunch of Nazis. The tactic of the Main Stream Media has been to do this and if they can't win an argument on these social issues label every conservative and anyone who does not accept the modern liberal narrative a Fascist or even worse a Nazi.  However, the people who have lived through the Nazi era know what real Nazis are like, and are starting to rebel against this narrative. So when they start seeing people called such for having conservative or traditional values they turn off - literally.

            The government last summer decided that old age pensioners need to pay the TV licence fee again. However, there is a major rebellion going on with a million OAPs refusing to pay.  This will cost the BBC £118 million this year. And they are refusing to pay on principle. One OAP, Keith Abendroth, 78, told The Sunday Mirror

" You’ve got two weeks in prison’ I could quite easily go to jail and watch TV for nothing. That’s the ludicrous thing – and I’d get three meals a day. It’s a ridiculous payment. The BBC should find another way of raising funds, as ITV and every other channel do. It was introduced as a benefit for OAPs, and we don’t get many these days. It’s time somebody stood up to the BBC."

 We say well done Mr Abendroth and others who refuse to pay, and while we do not encourage anyone to break the law, at CUT we say this is perfectly understandable. Of course we believe that the TV itself is biased, at best a waste of time, and at worst an occasion of sin. We say to all old age pensioners, life starts when you give up the TV. Don't watch this biased rubbish anyway; then there is no need to go to prison for failure to pay this very wrong tax.

Prayer Crusader St Philomena

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Double standards in social media


Social Media double standards

At CUT we have known for a long time that the Main Stream Media is bad and biased, at best a distraction and a waste of time, at worst an occasion of sin, as it can serve up on the screen sometimes pure evil. This of course is the great misfortune of the modern world; the secular media is simply not honest. It is run by a liberal elite with a set of values that oppose the norms of society and natural law. It goes without saying that it opposes Christianity, especially Catholic Christianity, for it is the truest religion to the teaching of Jesus Christ.

                Those who work in the media have to pass an unwritten test, and follow core values that are diametrically the opposite to Christianity, namely believing that the natural family headed by husband and wife is just one of a number of options. They must support all things LGBT including same-sex marriage and having biological men who identify as women to take part as "women" in woman's sport is perfectly fine. However, as women are physically not as strong as men, women will not be able to compete in their own sports.

                Anything or anyone that seems to stand in the way of abortion and the LGBT world can no longer take part in the mainstream media's social discourse and the criminalization of traditional Christian values is underway. It is therefore impossible to make a film or a programme that does not at least gives a nod to the new "ethics".

                Now even social media is getting in on the act of excluding people with traditional values. For if you do have traditional values, you are a hater! So, many who post in the social media in support of the Life movements and the Traditional Family, they thought they had found a platform from which to promote age old Christian values. However, they either have been suspended or banned altogether.  Even the former president of the United States Donald Trump was banned, not for his prolife and pro-family support (although this was the real reason) it was on a ruse that he incited the riot on Capitol Hill. However, having seen Trump's tweets and his video it is clear the opposite was the case; he said to the 900,000 supporters that day to "peacefully demonstrate". On the other hand the now Vice President Kamala Harries did say last Summer their protest should not stop, these protests were little more than anti-Trump riots - it’s all on video. Such double standards are dangerous and reminds us how civilizations can collapse.

by Prayer Crusader St Philomena