Friday, 29 September 2017

Feast of St Michael 2017

The Feast of St Michael the Archangel

On this day the feast of one of the patron saints of CUT and the Prayer Crusade, St Michael the Archangel, there are two things we could like you to pay for. One is the loss of a Prayer Crusader under the patronage of St Maria Goretti who died last night after a long illness. He died after saying the Angelus with family around him. May he rest in peace.

The other is Poland as we would like you all to join the Polish people from now until the 7th of October. the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. It is the date upon which the Christian fleet defeated the Ottomans in the battle of Lepanto. There are expected to be over a million Poles take part to try and protect Poland from the spread of Islam.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

What the MSM really hate

The Main Stream Media really Hate a Catholic who stands by Catholic Teachings

Whenever there is Main Stream Media interest in anything Catholic it's usually if some member of the hierarchy gets involved in a scandal, or denies Catholic Teaching or some scandal involving a priest. Apart from that they're not really very interested, or they do not want to draw attention to anything Catholic if it's good. Perhaps that's why we are so very rarely talked about. However, if a prominent Catholic like a MP who has been linked with the PM's job affirms traditional Catholic values, the vitriolic knives are out with a vengeance. The BBC, ITV, Sky, the lot all go for it - this orthodox Catholic must be killed off before he becomes attractive! Rees-Mogg is a case in point, we can't have this true Catholic believer, and more to the point, seen to be believing in real Catholic teachings given a positive press, he must be belittled and scorned and pulled off his perch and the sooner the better!

yuck logo here is copyright Huffpost!
nothing to do with us - thank heaven.
I often take a look at the Huffton hissy-fit Post to gauge the impact of anything Catholic that's in the news - and they didn't disappoint, the anger the vitriol and misinformation, the sheer mendacity of it all was truly exceptional, if fact I think they outdid themselves.

Take this article for instance from the aforesaid Huffpost:

Jacob Rees-Mogg’s Views On Abortion And Same Sex Marriage ‘Wouldn’t Be So Acceptable Coming From A Muslim' Huffpost 

The cowardice here is truly risible they won't tell the actual truth about Muslim terror because they know that some Muslims will do a Charlie Hebdo on them.

I like the part 'Wouldn't Be So Acceptable Coming From A Muslim' in fact this would really only be said by a moderate Muslim, Muslims are in fact and action, far more extreme.  Perhaps the real reason why Muslims can't be bothered to get involved in the pro-life and the anti-same-sex marriage debate is that they see both of these issues as being ways the West is killing itself off?

Here is a link to some Hissy Huffy  classic 'attack Rees-Mogg at all costs' posts for you all to savour, but only read if you are really keen on bitter herbs and have a very strong stomach.

Fox TV positive TV drama series about the Devil
And here I should not try to be funny for the member of CUT under the patronage of St Anthony has asked me to alert you all to a new TV series from Fox TV on the Devil, yes you got it they are portraying him in a positive charming way, he asks to protest to Fox, here is a link Fox TV

With prayers - Prayer Crusader St Philomena

Friday, 8 September 2017

Ress Mogg and the media

Are YOU a Nazi?

Or just an ordinary orthodox Christian?

Piers Morgan - Photo Wikipedia 
Perhaps more to the point is Piers Morgan an ordinary Catholic or is he a Nazi?

Modern media presenters like Nicky Campbell like to label everyone who is opposed to LGBTQ infiltration into every aspect of our lives as far Right. Likewise if you dare to suggest that the more Muslims there are in a country the more likelihood there will be terror attacks you have fascist tendencies. Therefore we have to ask you - are you a Nazi?

I hear the response now,  'no, we're just orthodox Catholics, just ordinary family men and women trying to find our way through the minefield of modern day life.'

The ultra liberal media browbeat a traditional Catholic politician
It is perhaps a useful lesson for us all to learn especially as we are trying to study and understand why the media is so militant towards Christians and especially Catholics. For to occupy the public sphere whilst professing traditional Christian values is giving the media hacks a larger stick than usual to browbeat the supporters of decency.

A lesson in media aggression
This article and interview regarding Catholic politician Jacob Rees-Mogg is a case in point. Having been recently linked with a challenge for the leadership of the Conservative party and therefore prime minister, he went on Good Morning Britain to talk about Brexit but may have had some inkling that he would be ambushed, and pointed out to Piers Morgan that as he is a Catholic he takes the teachings of the Catholic Church seriously. Piers Morgan retorted that he is also a Catholic but does not agree with the Catholic Church! Therefore Morgan is a heretic and should not be allowed Holy Communion of course. Many think Rees-Mogg was not properly prepared to face such fierce questioning. Dr Joseph Shaw makes some important suggestions for Catholics in the public sphere when answering questions put by the secular media. They need to be rehearsed in answering the 'bloody question' like the Jesuits who could be asked  (viz.: if the Spaniards invaded to topple Queen Elizabeth, who would you support?)

Jacob Rees-Mogg
It is probable that Rees-Mogg was continuing an off camera or pre-interview briefing with the producer and presenters - he knew he was in for it but what else could he do but assert the teachings of the Church to the obvious heretic and hypocrite "Catholic" Piers Morgan, therefore exposing Morgan, but he could have done it better. Nevertheless we should be grateful to Rees-Mogg for opening the debate again on abortion and same-sex marriage in politics and on the media. The howling wolves of the mainstream media are out to get him. This probably shows that they are not so secure in their liberal world after all.

 I do pray and hope that Piers Morgan has some humility and repents.