YOU a Nazi?
just an ordinary orthodox Christian?
Piers Morgan - Photo Wikipedia |
Perhaps more to the point is Piers Morgan an ordinary Catholic or is he a Nazi?
Modern media presenters like Nicky Campbell like to
label everyone who is opposed to LGBTQ infiltration into every aspect of our lives
as far Right. Likewise if you dare to
suggest that the more Muslims there are in a country the more likelihood there
will be terror attacks you have fascist tendencies. Therefore we have to ask
you - are you a Nazi?
I hear the response now, 'no, we're just orthodox Catholics, just
ordinary family men and women trying to find our way through the minefield of
modern day life.'
ultra liberal media browbeat a traditional Catholic politician
It is perhaps a useful lesson for us all to learn
especially as we are trying to study and understand why the media is so
militant towards Christians and especially Catholics. For to occupy the public
sphere whilst professing traditional Christian values is giving the media hacks
a larger stick than usual to browbeat the supporters of decency.
lesson in media aggression
This article and interview regarding Catholic
politician Jacob Rees-Mogg is a case in point. Having been recently linked with
a challenge for the leadership of the Conservative party and therefore prime
minister, he went on Good Morning Britain to talk about Brexit but may have had
some inkling that he would be ambushed, and pointed out to Piers Morgan that as
he is a Catholic he takes the teachings of the Catholic Church seriously. Piers
Morgan retorted that he is also a Catholic but does not agree with the Catholic
Church! Therefore Morgan is a heretic and should not be allowed Holy Communion
of course. Many think Rees-Mogg was not properly prepared to face such fierce
questioning. Dr Joseph Shaw makes some important suggestions for Catholics in
the public sphere when answering questions put by the secular media. They need
to be rehearsed in answering the 'bloody question' like the Jesuits who could
be asked (viz.: if the Spaniards invaded to topple
Queen Elizabeth, who would you support?)
Jacob Rees-Mogg |
It is probable that Rees-Mogg was continuing an off
camera or pre-interview briefing with the producer and presenters - he knew he
was in for it but what else could he do but assert the teachings of the Church
to the obvious heretic and hypocrite "Catholic" Piers Morgan,
therefore exposing Morgan, but he could have done it better. Nevertheless we
should be grateful to Rees-Mogg for opening the debate again on abortion and
same-sex marriage in politics and on the media. The howling wolves of the
mainstream media are out to get him. This probably shows that they are not so
secure in their liberal world after all.
I do pray and
hope that Piers Morgan has some humility and repents.