Saturday, 26 November 2016

Football child abuse and Assisted Suicide



It is becoming ever more difficult to keep up with the sheer number of media events that defy natural law and the teachings of the Church. As soon as I set down to write a post something else happens that's even more horrible.

For example the misreporting, or should I say non-reporting on the latest paedophile crisis in modern society, this time in Football,  no one in the media, including the BBC that "paragon of media fairness", are stating the obvious that this is a homosexual problem. The people committing the crimes of child abuse in junior football are homosexuals.
It has always been thus, a very large proportion of practising homosexuals target young boys, they are a delicacy for them, homosexuals themselves call it "Boy Love".  I need to make a scientific reference here, this is a summary from the Family Research Institute on Child molestation and homosexuality:

About a third of the reports of molestation by the populace have involved homosexuality. Likewise, between a fifth and a third of those who have been caught and/or convicted practiced homosexuality. Finally, a fifth to a third of surveyed gays admitted to child molestation. All-in-all, a rather consistent story. To read the full report click here: Child molestation and homosexuality

Yes we know that heterosexuals commit child abuse too but because there are only between 1- 3% active homosexual in society and they are committing about one third of all reported child abuse the media should and need to report this, but they do not.  

Rather than being commended for relating this truth I'll probably be attacked for spreading a hate crime or something but they won't shut me up - not when there are so many damaged young people about.
By prayer Crusader St Philomena.

Here are a few media links for Newscuttings on this and other media events:

BBC one line 25-11-2016

Football sex abuse claims: Police widen their inquiries

Four police forces say they are now investigating allegations of historical child sex abuse within football. Hampshire Police said it was looking into claims of "non-recent child abuse within the football community". Read more BBC On- Line

CUT try and find a reference to homosexuality

New BBC paedophile scandal as 'hero' ex-chauffeur is unmasked as convicted child rapist

Niven James Sinclair was so influential he sat in on BBC meetings - but Dame Janet Smith’s abuse probe in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal failed to identify him. Another BBC Paedophile The Daily Mirror

CUT - More "Boy Love" at the BBC

Belfast Telegraph

BBC's Nolan sued by Jim Wells over gay 'child abuse' story

Former Health Minister takes action over claims that 'destroyed career'  BBC's Nolan sued

CUT - The pro-"Gay" fanatics at the BBC will punish anyone who tells the truth however there are a few who will fight back.

From the Independent 22 November 2016

Assisted Suicide, The musical: We must consider how the debate around euthanasia is framed in the arts

Documentaries and fictional entertainment such as novels and films contribute towards the public understanding of euthanasia but they are generally in favour of assisted suicide. This new musical hopes to redress the balance Read More Death by music

CUT - Music is very powerful the Culture of Death media have tried for so long to promote euthanasia and failed up to now to change the law however they are now resorting to music.

Francis praises major Humanae Vitae dissenter in rebuke of ‘white or black’ morality

ROME, November 24, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis has praised the 1960s German moral theologian Bernard Häring, one of the most prominent dissenters from Pope Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae, for his new morality which the pope said helped “moral theology to flourish.” It all started with Black and White TV

CUT - Where does all this media pressure lead, surly the Church is safe it has secure doctrines that have come done to us from the apostolic age? No we are not safe and secure, the media will support anyone who dissents from the teachings of the Church.

Pope Francis in the news

Monday, 14 November 2016

Western media failing the Christians of the Middle East

The Western Media and governments particularly our own foreign minister Boris Johnston surprise surprise are a complete failure when it comes to helping Christians under Islamic pressure.
Here is a post from Novae Epistulae.


“The situation for my community, for my region is terrible”

Terrorism, bombing, kidnapping, destruction, we can find all of this in Jeanbart’s words, he is the Melkite Catholic Archbishop of Aleppo.

“The situation for my community, for all the regions, is terrible: terrorism, bombing, kidnappings, destruction, lack of food, medicines, water and electricity”. This is what Melkite Catholic Archbishop Jean-Clement Jeanbart of Aleppo told in an exclusive interview with Matchman News, the information portal by Novae Terrae Foundation.
“International efforts in Syria? Almost non-existent”.

He sadly comments and adds that “the international pressure is almost non- existent too: lots of words but no results. It looks like if they don’t want to stop a war because it matches with their interests, they will make it happen. Why would we ask to stop it then?”

In Syria, in the Middle East in general there is a tragic situation and it depends on incomprehensible choices that the West does; it has come off the rail.

In 2014, 2015 and 2016 Novae Terrae Foundation promoted and submitted nearly 500,000 signatures to European and International institutions asking them to act in defense of religious freedom of Catholics and religious minorities in the Middle East.

A lot of little steps have been done: the declaration on genocide at the EU parliament, the one at Eu council, at the US congress, at the British Parliament. More and more efforts are necessary to hear the voice of our tormented brothers in the Middle East and in Africa.

This is the first of a series of interviews that Matchman News is going to publish to give a voice to the Archbishops in all those communities no one listens to with no reason. Let alone main stream media; they are busy shouting, warring for a picture or the news that show children involved, but they can forget everything easily within one hour.

Novae Terrae chose to undertake this big effort with Matcamn News, but there always are many economic problems. Anyway it is important to do it in this schizophrenic West world and give the opportunity to talk to people that are directly involved in this tragedy.

The foundation has already launched a petition in September to support Patriarchs’ in Damascus appeal to stop useless Syrian economic sanctions: war keeps going on but there is no relief for people.

Novae Terrae continues this effort, but your help is necessary. Contributions are important so that these actions keep going and new one can start. You can donate 15, 25 or 50 euro (or any other amount that you like to give us).

In 2014, 2015 and 2016 Novae Terrae Foundation promoted and submitted nearly 500,000 signatures to European and International institutions asking them to act in defense of religious freedom of Catholics and religious minorities in the Middle East.

A lot of little steps have been done: the declaration on genocide at the EU parliament, the one at Eu council, at the US congress, at the British Parliament. More and more efforts are necessary to hear the voice of our tormented brothers in the Middle East and in Africa.

Novae Terrae chose to undertake this big effort with Matchman News, but there always are many economic problems. Anyway it is important to do it in this schizophrenic West world and give the opportunity to talk to people that are directly involved in this tragedy.

Thanks for the help that you can give. One last action: please forward this email to all people that share your view, they will understand for sure and will thank you.

Sursum corda!


Luca Volonté,
CEO Fondazione Novae Terrae


Novae Terrae chose to undertake this big effort with Matchman News, but there always are many economic problems: give a voice to archbishops of Christian communities in Syria. It is important to do it in this schizophrenic West world and give an opportunity to talk to people that are directly involved in this tragedy.

The foundation has already launched in September a petition to support patriarchs’ in Damascus appeal to stop useless Syrian economic sanctions: war keeps going on but there is no relief for people.

Novae Terrae continues this effort, but your help is necessary. Contributions are important so that these actions keep going and new one can start. You can donate 15, 25 or 50 euro (or any other amount that you like to give us).

In 2014, 2015 and 2016 Novae Terrae Foundation promoted and submitted nearly 500,000 signatures to European and International institutions asking them to act in defense of religious freedom of Catholics and religious minorities in the Middle East.

A lot of little steps have been done: the declaration on genocide at the EU parliament, the one at Eu council, at the US congress, at the British Parliament. More and more efforts are necessary to hear the voice of our tormented brothers in the Middle East and in Africa.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

BBC's children's sex change show

BBC targets very young children in

New Transgender Programme.

 If we needed any more proof that the BBC is dangerous for children this latest programme only goes to further prove the point. Not that the BBC is new to abusing its power over children, it's been doing this satanic work for many decades now. With many of its DJs and celebrities now exposed as child abusers, we ask not only is it safe for children to visit BBC premises but is it safe to let your children watch BBC output? The answer of course is a resounding NO!

This evil corporation's latest corrupting programme involves a storyline where a young schoolboy takes sex-change hormone drugs. The show available on its children-dedicated CBBC channel website is specifically aimed at children as young as 6. The little "star" of the programme is a child who calls herself Amy, who dresses as a girl, who is really a boy. (In fact to further the deception the actor is a girl!). From CUT to the producer “you need to be as deceptive and lying as possible, don't you, to get away with this"!  The video, called "Just A Girl", has extremely nasty gender bending dialogue, such as Amy saying: ‘When I was born, Mum said Dad was so pleased that he had a boy to take to the football. But Mum knew I was different. She realised early on that I was born in the wrong body.’

This BBC children's programme push gender change drugs on six year olds.

In order to change gender (which of course is impossible) the poor children who have been so brain washed by the modern media to do this need surgery and drugs. Therefore, only after the mutilation of the child's body and dosing them with chemicals will they pass as the opposite sex. However, genetically and biologically they will remain their original sex. They will more often than not regret the change in later life, for gender changers are plagued with depression and many commit suicide.1 The below citation is also from the Witherspoon Institute:

"What about the suicides?

Let’s connect the dots. Transgender people report attempting suicide at a staggering rate—above 40%. According to, 90% of all suicides are the result of untreated mental disorders. Over 60% (and possibly up to 90% as shown at Case Western) of transgender people have comorbid psychiatric disorders, which often go wholly untreated."

Therefore, what is being said is that some people who may have a specific mental disorder are being preyed upon by irresponsible TV programmers.  This of course is made all the more horrible when they target children.

 Should the BBC be charged with crimes against humanity?

This is a cruel and nasty programme from an evil but extremely powerful media corporation.  All we can do as faithful Christians is pray for those who make this sinful programme, that they will change their ways, turn to God and ask forgiveness. We must also pray for the children and parents who are influenced by this foul programme. We must redouble our efforts to persuade Catholics and all people of good faith to give up the TV and therefore not fund the promotion of gender change programming.


1. 50 Years of Sex Changes, Mental Disorders, and Too Many Suicides - Walt Heyer, of the Witherspoon Institute -who are quoting Dr Harry Benjamin from the Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health.

CUT comment on reference - Dr Benjamin is a gender change surgeon therefore this info is right from the horse's mouth so to speak!