The post below was written before the Irish election, when there was a Fine Gael-Labour coalition. Its interesting to note that despite the successful recovery of the Irish economy (not for all granted) the coalition which oversaw it is struggling to form a government could it be that despite all the crowing by the liberals over same-sex marriage and abortion there are still nearly half of the Irish people who reject it. As for the Labour party who pushed the hardest for these liberal reforms, their vote has collapsed from 30 seats to 7. There's still a lot of fight left in faithful Irish Catholics. Be interesting to hear what our Prayer Crusader with St Rita thinks about this?
more Newstalk!
Sometime ago I decided I wasn’t going
to listen to Newstalk ever again unless there is a complete overhaul in the
place and that seems unlikely. The reason for this is its promotion of abortion
among other things. The first instance was on the Pat Kenny show; he was
interviewing some woman who worked or had worked in the abortion mills doing
late term abortions. No challenging of her but rather treating her like a saint,
someone who was providing a useful necessary service to society. The last straw
came when on the George Hook programme ‘the right hook’ (he can be sometimes
sympathetic to the Catholic church e.g. he wanted the Angelus to be kept
broadcast, but this time he was way off the mark) he was interviewing the
minister for health Leo Varadkar. He was asking him questions about ‘fatal
fetal abnormality’ (a spurious term put
out by pro abortionists as there is no concrete proof that they are fatal and
many babies do live). He said to Varadkar: ‘I know that you are pro life’, -
this after Varadkar had voted to legalise abortion up until birth in cases
where the woman is suicidal. It’s one thing to be pro abortion but to pat him
on the back and call him pro-life is a double insult. So ended my listernership
to Newstalk, until, Christmas morning while I was driving along, I turned on
the radio and hit the wrong button by mistake and turned on Newstalk. Sure
enough there was a programme talking about the festival of Christmas and
seeking to undermine it by saying that the festivity existed long before Christ
was born, when they celebrated the gatherings of the harvest and the church
took over this festival with Christmas. I turned off and haven’t listened since
and haven’t looked back. So no more reporting of them unless I hear it from
another source.
RTE continues its programme of
de-Christianisation: an incremental type of ethnic cleansing, a purging of the
airwaves of Catholicity. This time it’s the removal from its classical music
station, RTE Lyric FM, of the programme, ‘Gloria’. It was on Sunday mornings,
7am to 10am; it featured music such as Gregorian chant, the Palestrina choir
and other great classical religious music for three hours. It’s not that the
programme wasn’t popular or the music not beautiful, it’s just that it was Catholic
so therefore had to go. These actions are the fare of brutal communist states.
Enda Kenny
Irish Taoiseach (PM)
their poll says 73%
are not happy for him to
continue as the country's leader.
You may have heard that here in
Ireland we are nearing the end of an election campaign. Fri 26th is
polling day. The polls are suggesting a hung Dail. The situation is that even
if the two top parties join together they may not have enough to form a
government. It would be the equivalent of Labour and Tories joining together
and being barely able to govern. None of the political pundits are able to
forecast what type of government will take power. People are so disenchanted
with politicians. So it’s going to be interesting to see what is going to
From the debacle of abortion
legislation in 2013: some td’s were kicked out of the Government for opposing
the introduction of abortion, one of whom was Junior minister Lucinda
Creighton. She has set up a new party called Renua. Besides being against
abortion she also wants to abolish the TV licence. She follows the
privatisation path and (this is my guess) most likely it’s because she thinks
RTE should raise its own revenue. However, one of her downsides is she
supported the ‘homosexual marriage’ referendum. She at one time supported
abortion and changed her views on it; maybe on reflection she will come to see
the errors of sodomy and its ill consequences for society.
The UK too will have a referendum
soon. It’s interesting to note the split in the tory party over the issue. Ireland
this year will celebrate 100 years of the war of independence from the English.
It’s ironic that 100 years later England now is deciding on its independence
from Europe. There is a prophecy by some saint, possibly saint Malachy, which
states that ‘A week of centuries after Ireland has been under English rule
England will enter is own civil war.’ (It’s about 700 years thereabouts since
England conquered Ireland.) Whatever the
troubles in England at the moment, in the end Our Lady’s immaculate heart will
So for the moment God bless
By the Prayer Crusader under the patronage of St Rita, Dublin.