How Black Friday became
Black Eye Friday
Passed out woman, Photo copyright The Express |
Binge drinking is out of control, hospital A & Es are
swamped with mostly young people, drunk and suffering from alcohol poisoning, young
woman dressed like prostitutes lying passed out drunk in the gutter. A typical
last Friday before Christmas; and yet the BBC is quick to tell us that overall
drinking is going down. The BBC, that great deceiver and robber of people's
faith, have left the young people of Britain with no faith, so what do they do?
What do they turn to but drink, sex and drugs? For too long the BBC have preached
a secular mantra of abortion (woman's right to choose), contraception (have "fun"
with no conscience and no payback) and homosexuality (suicidal victims unless
everyone accepts their perversion as normal) until people no longer know right
from wrong. The only religion left for the majority of people now is to get
smashed, have a good time and hopefully they will not wake up in hospital at 3
o'clock in the morning surrounded by their own vomit. But it's not just Black Eye Friday, it's
almost every Friday and Saturday night throughout the year.
Is the Government’s solution for
modern women's drinking to put them in combat situations?
Once women were considered the great civilisers, whom men
would look to for inspiration to create great art, or to work long hours for
and to raise a family with. With the news this week that the government wants
to put young women in front line combat infantry there seems little now for men
to protect. Psychologically there's nothing left for men now so watching inane
TV, drinking and fighting each other is all there is especially on Black
Friday, - sorry, it’s now called Black Eye Friday, due to all the drunken
fighting, and the fact that retailers have usurped the name Black Friday to
have a pre-Christmas period sales binge, which took place at the end of
November. One of the biggest sellers for the Black Friday sales binge were huge
32inch TVs for £100 quid! The downward spiral of Western Civilisation
By Prayer Crusader - St Philomena
Just a quick note - women too have been great artists, and especially as authors