Thursday, 30 July 2015

BBC Charter Renewal 2

Is the BBC fighting for its life or is this just a ruse?

There have been many articles and news items, not least by the BBC themselves, saying that the BBC is fighting for its life. Before members of CUT start to gather at Dublin Castle, Media City or Trafalgar Square to celebrate, I'm afraid to say I doubt anything will happen to this horrid IPPF supporting corporation. These reports are just a trick to raise the hopes of ordinary decent people and spur the BBC’s own supporters on to action.

There have even been petitions to stop the break up, or government control, of our 'wonderful broadcasting institution'. Some blame some right wingers in the government, some the EU, some blame 'killer Jesuits', others the Illuminati, some think it's a pincer movement between the Illuminati and the Jesuits to kill off dear old Aunty. Some even say the Illuminati have already taken over Match of the Day! Some say the BBC are the Illuminati. (I can almost believe that one, except do the illuminati actually exist outside of Hollywood films)?

However, because of the way the BBC has been funded it has been able to make programmes that commercial channels do not, or at least do not make to the same degree, e.g. supporting abortion, euthanasia, homosexual acts.

The BBC charter makes it independent of government control; if this changed there would be a public outcry - led by the BBC.

I believe that it's the BBC that controls the government, not in an explicit way but by its enormous power to influence and brow-beat. Heard the new leader of the Liberals being completely taken apart over his non vote for same-sex marriage the other morning on BBC radio 5.

So I say let the BBC stand on its own two feet, let it be run by donations, or pay-per-view - if it wants to be free from commercial interests or government 'control'.

Say No to the compulsory funding of the BBC

Saturday, 25 July 2015

BBC Charter Renewal 1

Why Christians should not support the BBC

Homosexuality and the Television

It is an act of Christian charity to point out when someone is going astray, this is not being judgemental for not to do so would be negligent. On the bases of Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church homosexual acts are a grave sin. Therefore there is a need to point out the link between the acceptance homosexuality by society, and the television. For Within ten years of the television coming into widespread use in Britain homosexuality was legalised. Since then there has been the constant lowering of the age of homosexual consent until parity with heterosexual consent was achieved. Now legalised homosexual partnerships have the right to adopt children. Just when ordinary Christians thought things couldn’t get any worse the government brings fourth draconian legislation that will forced Catholic adoption agencies to close down or let homosexuals adopt from them.

                It is not surprising that this has happened with the sheer number of pro-homosexual television programmes broadcast down the years. Today we have openly homosexual television presenters, commentators, and actors. Makeover programmes show homosexual couples choosing the décor for their pads. There are also the constant pro-homosexual story lines in the soaps and other dramas. This trait has even spilled over onto BBC Radio with the ‘Gay-marriage’ in the Archers. Also prevalent in these programmes are storylines that demonise anyone who are portrayed as ‘anti-gay,’ these people are usually shown as nasty, brutish and violent. Words like ‘bigoted’, ‘gay-bashing’, or ‘homophobic’ are used to put down anyone who dares speak up against these acts when you are only trying to help.

                It is also very clear that the BBC is especially ‘pro-Gay’ with a disproportionate number of homosexuals on its staff. They are particularly over represented among those in influential positions. There are many who believe that this is the main reason why Catholicism is attack so often by the BBC. Why you may ask have so many homosexuals risen so high in the world of television? There are many reasons; in order to keep peoples attention new and inventive storylines for showing sexual relationships are constantly found. The homosexual lifestyle is not a stay-at-home family orientated one; therefore the hedonistic showbiz one suits them. Perhaps also in this contraceptive ‘Culture of Death’ society, there is the false perception that humans have over populated the world. There is also the false theory that humans have no control over their sexual desires therefore homosexuality is a useful form of sterility. It is true that the television is no friend of chastity and has sexualised society beyond what is natural. Some like to cite the television series Sex in the City as authentically portraying modern female sexuality, yet you would be wrong, for although originally created by a woman it was produced by homosexual men. The creator and producer of Desperate Housewives is also homosexual. An unnaturally over sexualised society plays into the hands of homosexual lobby whose raison d’être is unnatural sex. Yet despite all the all their efforts, homosexuality has not been found to be a natural condition.
                There is also the homosexual phenomenon of “Boy Love” as they like to call it. There are a disproportionately high number of paedophiles amongst the male ‘Gay’ population. Researcher Dr Judith Reisman has stated that fewer than 2% of the male population are homosexual, yet they account for roughly half of all paedophiles cases.  for a fuller explanation). Yet the BBC will scour the earth for paedophile priests but will not do a documentary on “Boy Love” or the high proportion of ‘Gay’ paedophiles. Is this a case of the pro-homosexual media taking the speck out of other peoples eyes yet forgetting the plank in their own?

From the Spring-Summer 2007 CUT Newsletter.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

luvvies and "A-list" celebrities lining up to support the BBC

Radicalisation by the BBC

With all the luvvies and "A-list" celebrities lining up to support the BBC in its quest for a renewed Charter and an even tighter licence fee, perhaps we should stand back and ask: what has the BBC actually done? - Especially in these days when we frequently hear about the radicalisation of Islamic youth. (Some may say they don't need radicalising, this is what they are; but perhaps the BBC is helping this radicalisation?).

So what has the BBC done in the last fifty years? It has made numerous programmes supporting abortion, euthanasia, homosexual acts, contraception, any faith except Catholicism. It has led the attack on Catholic moral teachings, particularly crafting new Black Legends against us. So from the stand point of a Christian the BBC has been engaged in the radicalisation of the British public, and has turned the natural moral order on its head.
One of our members has recently sent in a link to Care not Killing who have carried out a survey of all the TV programmes that support euthanasia and assisted dying. Have a look. It’s quite shocking, and the BBC is once again leading the way. BBC balanced output? Not on your Aunt Nelly! See Care not Killing